View your listing
Visit FREIDA and search for your program’s ACGME 10-digit program identifier.
If your clinical residency program is not on FREIDA, and it was newly accredited by the ACGME within the past few months, email us with your 10-digit program ID number and contact information.
Accessing the Program Director Portal
The FREIDA™ Program Director Portal has been redesigned to make it easier to manage your program data, enhance your program listings and create vacant position postings. You can now add a complimentary virtual tour or interview video to your program listing. For virtual tour best practices, interview questions and prompts, filming/editing tips and tricks and more, download the FREIDA™ Virtual Tour Guide.
Check out the new FREIDA™ Program Director Portal “How to” video or download the reference guide (PDF) for a brief recap of the updates, including instructions on how to log in/access your program.
If you have any questions or are interested in adding a virtual tour of your program, please email
View expanded listing sample
Download an Expanded Program Listing Sample (PDF) or contact us for more information on how to expand your program’s listing.
The National GME Census
The American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) jointly conduct the National GME Census.
The primary data collection mechanism for the census is through the AAMC's GME Track, a secure web-based application that, among other services, includes the Program Survey and Resident Survey modules.
In May, GME program directors and institutional sponsors receive an email with details and dates of the National GME Census. The Program Survey portion becomes available for update mid-May. Programs that complete and approve their Program Survey on or before the first deadline in July have their program information uploaded to FREIDA in August.
A second FREIDA update occurs in October for those who complete their survey by the end of September. A final upload for the current academic year version of FREIDA takes place in February. Programs can make edits to their program information throughout the year.
If you have questions about GME Track, contact the following:
If you have questions about National GME Census, contact the following:
The AMA understands that all institutions listed in FREIDA are required by law to include the phrase “EEO/M/F/D/V” on any information that is used for public view.