Here are just a few of the ways we’re fighting for you and your patients

This is why we fight
Patients deserve care led by physicians—the most highly educated, trained and skilled health care professionals.

Fighting scope creep across the nation
AMA worked with medical associations to oppose inappropriate scope expansions in 40+ states in 2024. We also actively oppose federal bills that seek to inappropriately expand scope of practice.

Promoting physician-led, team-based care
Data shows that physician-led, team-based care is higher quality and more cost-effective.

Clarifying who is a physician—and who isn’t
Patients deserve to know who is providing their health care and the education and training of their health care professional.
Looking for more about our work opposing scope creep?
- Physicians and nonphysicians: What are the differences?
- In health care settings, keep “doctor” title for physicians
- “Are you a doctor?” Why a straight answer is harder to come by