Council on Medical Education

About the Council on Medical Education

2 Min Read

Founded in 1904, the Council on Medical Education recommends educational policies to the AMA House of Delegates.

Council on Medical Education Reports

Review reports prepared by the council. 

The council also recommends to the AMA Board of Trustees the appointments of representatives to medical education organizations, accrediting bodies and certification boards.

The council collaborates with other key organizations in medical education, supports the accreditation of medical education programs and gathers and disseminates medical education data and products/services.

The council focuses on issues and initiatives related to 4 areas:

  • Undergraduate medical education
  • Graduate medical education
  • Continuing medical education
  • Continuing professional development

The American Medical Association's Council on Medical Education, in conjunction with the American Board of Medical Specialties, sponsors the Liaison Committee for Specialty Boards.

Interested in nominating yourself or someone you know to be a member of this council?

Also, review the current requests for nominations and necessary qualifications from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) review committees, American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and other medical education organizations and committees. Be sure to submit applications by the posted deadlines.

Council on Medical Education Rules and Regulations (PDF)

The council welcomes your comments, questions and input on our current projects.

AMA Council on Medical Education
American Medical Association 
330 N. Wabash Ave 
Chicago, Illinois 60611

Tanya Lopez, MS, Director/Secretary, Council on Medical Education
(312) 464-4230 or


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