Specialty and Service Society
The Specialty and Service Society (SSS) provides a forum for collaboration among the medical specialties, professional interest medical associations (PIMAs), and the federal service branches to further promote the interests of its members within our American Medical Association and to serve as a resource to our AMA.
The SSS is among the groups that meet in conjunction with the AMA House of Delegates (HOD) Annual and Interim Meetings, held in June and November, respectively.
Key resources
Meetings & events
- 2024 SSS Assembly Meeting agenda and materials (PDF)
- Candidates seeking SSS endorsement background materials (PDF, members only)
- AMA advocacy events
Policy and guidance on admission to SSS, HOD, and periodic review. Additional standing rules and guidelines on SSS endorsement of candidates
- AMA Bylaw 8 (PDF)—Representation of National Medical Specialty Societies and Professional Interest Medical Associations in the House of Delegates
- Policy G-600.020—Admission of Specialty Organizations to our AMA House
- Policy G-600.022—Admission of Professional Interest Medical Associations to our AMA House
- Policy G-600.027—Designation of Specialty Societies for Representation in the House of Delegates
Rules & guidelines
- Group endorsement list/process (PDF)
- Standing Rules and Procedures (PDF)
- Guidelines for candidate endorsements (PDF)
- National medical specialties in HOD at 1990 Annual Meeting (PDF)
Periodic/5-year review and application
The periodic/5-year review verifies that specialty societies meet AMA membership thresholds and comply with guidelines and bylaw requirements for continued representation in the HOD. Similar processes are in place for initial application to the SSS and HOD.
- Review Schedule for National Medical Specialty Societies (PDF)
- Periodic Review Manual (PDF)
- Template Compliance Letter (5-year review and HOD application) (PDF)
- Template Compliance Letter (SSS application) (PDF)
Specialty section councils
- Section Council Directory (PDF, members only)
- 2024 Interim Meeting Section Council Chairs Virtual and Breakfast Meeting schedule
Additional resources
- Federation relations contacts (PDF, members only): The AMA Federation Relations team serves as primary contacts and liaisons to Federation organizations.
- Ways to get involved with AMA advocacy: The AMA works to inform lawmakers, guide decision-making and generate support for policies critical to the nation’s health care system.
- Archive of the House of Delegates Meetings: Review meeting proceedings, explore AMA digital collections and track follow up from HOD actions.
- Correspondence Finder: Search AMA letters to public officials, comment letters, sign-on letters and testimony.
- Policy Finder: Search current AMA policy.
- Litigation Center Case Summary Finder: Search for AMA Litigation Center cases by topic, title or relevant term.