Find details on AMA membership dues and categories, as well as the terms and conditions on automatic AMA renew membership authorization with information on AMA monthly dues installment payments.
2025 AMA membership dues
- First year in practice: $60
- Second year in practice: $105
- Third year in practice: $210
- Fourth year in practice: $315
- Military physicians (and physicians working in the Department of Veterans Affairs): $280
- Regular practice: $420
Residents and Fellows
Retired Physicians
- Fully retired (working 0 hours per week): $84
- Semi-retired (physician working 1-20 hours per week and at least 65 years of age): $210
Military and physicians working in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: $280
Medical Students
- 1-year membership: $20
- 2-year membership: $38
- 3-year membership: $54
- 4-year membership: $68 (just $17 a year!)
Refund policy: The AMA membership cycle is based on a calendar year. Full refunds are issued upon written request within 35 days of membership activation. Refunds requested after 35 days are prorated for the remaining months in the calendar year. Refunds will not be issued for the current year if requested after Sept. 30.
AMA membership receipts
AMA members can visit the Account Management Center to view and print current and prior year AMA membership receipts.
Financial hardship
An individual will be granted a financial hardship exemption if they are a prior year member and complete and sign the financial hardship application (PDF), which includes their acceptance of the conditions of membership. Dues exemptions for financial hardship shall be reviewed annually.
Membership for international medical school graduates
International medical student graduates are eligible for AMA membership after receiving ECFMG certification (having graduated from an international or U.S. medical school, taken and passed the USMLE® Step 1 and Step 2).
Tax deductibility of AMA membership
AMA Tax ID: 36-0727175
2025 dues
AMA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deducted as a business expense. AMA estimates that 100% of your membership dues are allocable to lobbying activities of the AMA, and therefore are not deductible for income tax purposes.
Dues-paying members are eligible to receive a print copy of JAMA®, the Journal of the American Medical Association. For the 2025 membership year, the allocated cost of $48 for JAMA is included in, and not deductible from AMA membership dues. All members receive free online access to the JAMA Network™, which brings together JAMA®, JAMA Network Open™ and the 11 specialty journals. All members are also eligible to receive AMA Morning Rounds®.
2024 dues
AMA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deducted as a business expense. AMA estimates that 75% of your membership dues are allocable to lobbying activities of the AMA, and therefore are not deductible for income tax purposes.
Dues-paying members are eligible to receive a print copy of JAMA®, the Journal of the American Medical Association. For the 2024 membership year, the allocated cost of $44 for JAMA is included in, and not deductible from AMA membership dues. All members receive free online access to the JAMA Network™, which brings together JAMA®, JAMA Network Open™ and the 11 specialty journals. All members are also eligible to receive AMA Morning Rounds®.
Terms and conditions of automatic renewal authorization
Monthly installment payments with automatic renewal: Installment payments begin the month the membership transaction is made and continue until paid in full by Dec. 31. You will receive a reminder notice each year on or around Nov. 1. Unless you cancel your authorization in writing by the previous Dec. 1, your designated account will be charged 1/12 of the annual membership dues beginning January of each year.
Annual payment with automatic renewal: Your designated account will be charged immediately for the full amount of your annual membership dues. Thereafter, you will receive a reminder notice each year on or about Nov. 1. Your credit card will then be charged on or around Jan. 1 of each year for AMA membership dues unless you cancel your authorization in writing, by the previous Dec. 1.
Physicians in a membership dues category that will transition at the time of renewal to a higher dues category will see the dues rates below at the time of renewal. The AMA will provide prior written notice of any change in the annual membership dues rate.
- Medical student: $20
- Resident/fellow: $45
- First year in practice: $60
- Second year in practice: $105
- Third year in practice: $210
- Fourth year in practice: $315
- Regular practice: $420
- Military and physicians working in the Department of Veterans Affairs: $280
- Semi-retired, working 1-20 hours per week and at least 65 years of age: $210
- Fully retired, working 0 hours per week: $84
Contact information
Please contact AMA Member Service Center at (800) 262-3211 (Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Central) with any questions about AMA benefits, products or services. Or you can email a member service representative at
Cancellation of your automatic renewal authorization must be submitted in one of the following ways:
- Email:
- Fax: (800) 262-3221
- Mail: AMA Member Service Center
American Medical Association
AMA Plaza
330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 39300
Chicago, Illinois 60611-5885