Students with colorful backpacks walking in a group
4 Min Read

Which undergrad majors are best for med school?

Identifying the undergraduate coursework that will make you the best medical school applicant is an inexact science. Learn why with the AMA.

Preparing for Medical School

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Illustration of a person's head, geometric shapes and medical symbols
4 Min Read

MCAT scores and medical school success: Do they correlate?

The MCAT is key to earning admission to medical school. How well the test score predicts your med school career is a bit more complicated. Find out why.

Preparing for Medical School
Exterior of an emergency room entrance
4 Min Read

M1s help spot emergency patients who can benefit from naloxone

Learn how first-year medical students can add value and learn about addiction medicine by screening patients to ID those at risk of an opioid-related overdose.

Overdose Epidemic
Overhead shot of two people using smartphones
3 Min Read

2021 medical school class sees enrollment diversity grow

The current class of first-year medical school students made significant gains among Black and Hispanic students, AAMC data shows.

Medical School Diversity
A young woman writing down notes on a pad while working on a laptop
4 Min Read

How medical education has gone from sore spot to bright spot

An important centenary caused the medical education community to take stock. What emerged from the AMA and innovative medical schools was transformative.

ChangeMedEd Initiative
 Orange paper person with dejected stance off to the side of a circle of blue paper people
4 Min Read

Microaggressions happen in medical school. Here’s how to stop them.

It takes big commitment to deter microaggressions, the negative racial slights that harm medical students’ training. Learn more with the AMA.

Medical School Diversity
A masked doctor checking information on a clipboard.
4 Min Read

Chronic disease management has a new tool: The H&P 360

A study in the journal Academic Medicine shows how a modified H&P can help collect more biopsychosocial information to better identify care barriers.

ChangeMedEd Initiative
A number of turquoise balls on the left side with a red line down the center and one turquoise ball on the right side.
3 Min Read

The 11 factors that influence med student specialty choice

Personal interest and content of specialty are the most popular motivating factors for medical students when they pick a career path.

Specialty Profiles
Hour glass
4 Min Read

Medical specialty choice: Should residency training length matter?

Find out how long residency training lasts in each specialty, and learn with the AMA how big a factor that should play in your specialty choice.

Specialty Profiles