Aliya Siddiqui, MS

AMA Affiliated Groups

Board of Trustees Members
[email protected]

Aliya Siddiqui, MS, is proud to represent medical students as the first Muslim woman elected to the American Medical Association Board of Trustees. Having earned her BS/MS in mathematics and statistics at Loyola University Chicago, Ms. Siddiqui is currently pursuing an MD at the Medical College of Wisconsin, where she is also performing bioengineering research as she works toward her PhD in cell biology.

Ms. Siddiqui has been involved with the AMA since 2018, when, as her medical school delegate, she attended her first meeting of the AMA Medical Student Section (MSS). Since then she has served as the student council member of the AMA Council on Medical Education (2022–23) and, within the AMA-MSS, as chair of the student Committee on Scientific Issues, as chair and vice chair of the student Women in Medicine Committee, and as chair of AMA-MSS Region 2.

In addition to serving as a member of the AMA House of Delegates (HOD) from 2019 to 2022, she has served on multiple reference committees within the HOD and the AMA-MSS, as well as within the Illinois State Medical Society where she also served as the student member of the board of trustees.

An active member of the Radiology Section Caucus, the Illinois State Medical Society, and the Wisconsin Medical Society, Ms. Siddiqui is planning a career in translational device research—a path that will have her working with physician colleagues, patients, and researchers to advance medical care and clinical knowledge.

Ms. Siddiqui was born in Michigan and grew up in Wisconsin. She has previously worked with refugee and immigrant populations, taught citizenship classes, volunteered with a refugee orphan program and is passionate about mentoring new student leaders. Today, her advocacy interests have branched out to include gender equity, reproductive justice, medical education reform and addressing health care disparities. Outside of medicine and advocacy, Ms. Siddiqui enjoys rock climbing, pilates and painting.


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