
Webinar: Health Care Advocacy and the New Administration

Webinar (nonseries)
Webinar: Health Care Advocacy and the New Administration
Jul 27, 2021
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Our panel of experts will:

  • Explore the impact of the Biden Administration on health care policy.
  • Answer medical students’ questions about the future of health care advocacy at the national and state levels.
  • Discuss why medical students’ voices make a difference.

Jan. 27, 2021, noon Central | 1 p.m. Eastern

Don’t miss this webinar! Get answers to medical students’ questions and hear from the experts what we can expect in health care over the next four years.

Register for the webinar today.

  • Todd Askew, AMA SVP, advocacy
  • Jenny Young, director of membership, Medical Society of Virginia
  • Reilly Bealer, AMA government relations advocacy fellow
  • Todd Unger, AMA SVP and chief experience officer