Senior Physicians

Senior Physicians Section (SPS) policymaking


Members of the Senior Physicians Section (SPS) have a unique opportunity to shape AMA policy and action on issues critical to senior physicians. 

New to the policymaking process? Access our education module, How AMA Policy is Made, to learn how SPS members influence the AMA’s policymaking efforts. 

Deadline Aug. 1

SPS members are invited to submit resolution ideas for consideration by the SPS Governing Council. Submit a resolution idea by Aug. 1 for consideration at the 2024 Interim Meeting.

Although proposed resolutions on any topic will be given consideration, areas of concern noted by the governing council include:

  • Prospects for life span extension
  • Promoting health equity in aging
  • Healthcare for seniors in rural and small-town settings
  • Climate change and aging
  • Private equity investment in health care

The governing council’s initial review of all resolution idea proposals will focus on:

  • Does the resolution pertain to the section?
  • Does the proposal duplicate any existing AMA policy? Visit the AMA PolicyFinder to see if AMA policy already exists on your resolution idea.

Resolution ideas must be submitted via email to [email protected] using the resolution idea proposal form (PDF). The SPS GC has also developed a presentation (PDF) to guide you through the process.

If you would like help with your proposed resolution idea, contact our delegate, Virginia (Ginny) E. Hall, MD, or alternate delegate, Douglas M. DeLong, MD, at [email protected] for assistance. 

Please plan to discuss your SPS resolution idea proposal at the virtual SPS assembly. 

Online member forum open Sept. 2-16

SPS members are invited to review and comment on policy proposals in advance of each SPS virtual assembly meeting via the online member forum.

All feedback will help in determining the appropriate actions for the virtual SPS meeting.

Sept. 19, 7 p.m. Central

The SPS assembly convenes in a virtual format each April and September to develop consensus opinions on SPS-sponsored resolutions. The next virtual SPS assembly meeting will be held Sept. 19, 2024, and includes a review and discussion of feedback from the online member forum as well as updates from SPS leadership.