AMA Series
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3 digital health trends that are transforming patient care

Michael Hodgkins, MD, AMA chief medical information officer, details how digital health will cause the medical profession to shift and evolve.

Leadership Thoughts

Help Move Medicine

Medicine doesn’t stand still, and neither do we. AMA members don’t just keep up with medicine—they shape its future.

 Illustration of a physician on a smartphone with a stethoscope
5 Min Read

Leveraging technology to better monitor and treat patients

Kelly Santomas, MS, RN, senior director of Partners Connected Health, looks at the necessity of using technology to better serve patients.

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4 Min Read

Navigating the digital health landscape

With 300,000+ digital health apps on the market and more than 200 being added every day, it’s currently very difficult for physicians and patients to navigate the growing digital health landscape.

Leadership Thoughts
6 Min Read

Why women physicians need to know the business side of health care

Barbara L. McAneny, MD, president of the AMA, emphasizes that if women physicians can speak the language of business, they can speak the language of power.

Health Equity
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Hear from top leaders in medicine

From emerging issues to new innovations, the AMA’s Moving Medicine podcast brings you the physicians, scientists and all the leading voices making a difference in health care today.

6 Min Read

To make a difference for women in medicine, address implicit bias

Patrice A. Harris, MD, MA, president-elect of the AMA addresses the need to look on many fronts at implicit bias against women in medicine.

Health Equity
Leadership Thoughts
5 Min Read

Looking at global perspectives for diabetes prevention

Charles Alessi, MD, chief clinical officer for HIMSS International, details the importance of a global perspective in preventing diabetes.

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6 Min Read

Moving the U.S. health care system to a value-based approach

David Nash, MD, founding dean of the Jefferson College of Population Health in Philadelphia, looks at why health care needs to shift to a value-based approach.

Payment & Delivery Models
Leadership Thoughts
3 Min Read

Moving digital tools beyond the exam room & into patient's home

Michael Hodgkins, MD, MPH, AMA chief medical information officer, talks about the necessity of developing guidelines for safe and effective mobile health apps.

Leadership Thoughts
3 Min Read

Driving data and technology to enhance care & reduce physician burden

Laurie McGraw, AMA senior vice president, Health Solutions, tells us about the four things that physicians want to know when it comes to innovation.

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