AMA medical student membership, discounts and benefits
Find information for AMA medical student membership, discounts and benefits.
Joining the nation’s largest physician organization has its advantages. The American Medical Association is your powerfully ally in patient care that represents physicians with a unified voice, drives the future of medicine, removes obstacles that interfere with patient care and leads the charge to confront public health crises. Membership in the AMA also comes with benefits specifically tailored to support the profession.
AMA member benefits give you access to discounts, resources, events, free CME through AMA Ed Hub™ and other opportunities that impact both your life and your career. Your benefits stay with you throughout your membership. No expiration dates, no conditions. Just renew your membership each year to keep them.
Your AMA membership gives you exclusive access to networking, advocacy and policymaking groups, leadership opportunities, and JAMA®, including unlimited online, mobile and print edition access.
Not a member? Join now to get started. Already a member? Sign in or create an online account to access your benefits now.