
Tech enables population health approach to better BP control

Sara Berg, MS , News Editor

Controlling hypertension has a significant impact on reducing cardiovascular deaths. Yet less than half of adults in the U.S. have their hypertension under control. As a result, there is an urgent need for collaboration to develop blood-pressure control solutions. That is where the AMA and i2i Population Health are stepping up to the plate to help.

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i2i is the nation’s largest population health technology company, serving more than 350 organizations across 40 states and reaching more than 30 million patients. In collaboration with the AMA, i2i now offers AMA MAP BP™ customer reports and dashboards through its population health platform i2iTracks. AMA MAP BP is an evidence-based quality improvement program that provides a clear path to significant, sustained improvements in BP control. 

With AMA MAP BP, health care organizations can increase blood pressure-control rates quickly. The program has demonstrated a 10% increase in BP control in six months with sustained results at one year.

“We already have connections into the desktop of people who can really effect change when it comes to hypertension, so bringing all that together was exciting for us,” said Justin Neece, CEO of i2i Population Health, headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee. “Being engaged with the AMA is a fantastic start because we do have the potential to impact so many patients through the collaboration. 

“As we bring on new organizations, as we expand into the hospital space, as we expand into the Medicare population with an aging population, it just provides us more and more opportunity to impact patients,” Neece added.

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“We are solely focused on leveraging technology to help our clients do a better job around care management and driving better health outcomes in their communities,” said Zack Klint, vice president of client success at i2i Population Health.

“It’s really a community health program because a lot of these organizations are dealing with an enormous amount of Medicaid patients,” Klint said. This includes federally qualified health centers, Indian Health Services, tribal organizations, hospitals, health plans and behavioral health clinics.

Integrating AMA MAP BP into the i2iTracks application “provides clinical support for an evidence-based program to help improve hypertension,” Neece said.

The i2iTracks application “provides that evidence within the population health tool so they can quickly trend and understand how” physicians and other health professionals are delivering. “And, hopefully, improve that care,” he added.

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“The underlying strength of i2i is data—we integrate with over 100 EHRs and practice management systems in the United States and we’ve done it thousands of times,” said Klint.

EHRs excel at helping document the care delivered to patients.

But, Neece noted, they are not so good at helping physician leaders and health care organizations “understand at a macro level the kind of care that’s being delivered on a consistent basis. That’s population health.”

Evidence-based algorithmic tools such as i2i’s can help “effect change—not one patient at a time, but over my entire patient population,” Neece said. “The metrics, reporting and dashboard capabilities are built into the application for seamless and easy access, not only to drive individual patient care, but also to trend the care over time.”