Population Care

Understanding LGBTQ health issues

2 Min Read

Consult the comprehensive report (PDF) produced by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies that studies the state of LGBTQ health care in the United States.

OutCare Health equity training & CME

Offering resources and accredited training to help improve LGBTQ+ health care outcomes. 

"The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People" includes research and testimony from influential organizations in LGBTQ health on the following topics:

  • Context for LGBTQ health status in the United States
  • Conducting research on the health status of LGBTQ populations
  • LGBTQ health in childhood and adolescence
  • LGBTQ health in early and middle adulthood
  • LGBTQ health in adulthood
  • Recommendations
  • Join the AMA LGBTQ Advisory Committee Listserv to receive information about current LGBTQ health and physician issues as well as our committee's initiatives. The listserv provides a forum to discuss policy, advocacy and governance issues that impact LGBTQ and ally physicians and their patients.
  • Receive email alerts from LGBTQ organizations.
    Stay on top of the latest news in the LGBTQ health community by signing up for email alerts from the following organizations:

LGBTQ Advisory Committee listserv: LGBTQ Advisory Committee at lgbt@ama-assn.org

View these webinars and learn about questions that can be asked of program applicants during the residency interview process, and gain a broad understanding of the physician’s role in various contemporary family building options.

AAMC webinars: Co-sponsored by Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)


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