Public Health
COVID-19 medical ethics videocasts and podcasts
AMA Journal of Ethics® videocast
AMA Journal of Ethics® videocast
In this video edition of Ethics Talk, journal editor in chief, Audiey Kao, MD, PhD, talks with Chris Beyrer, MD, MP, about the challenges facing the U.S. president's emergency plan for AIDS relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The AMA offers a series of articles on foundational guidance in medical ethics for health care professionals and institutions responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. These articles draw on the ethics guidance of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics.
Please visit the AMA Journal of Ethics COVID-19 ethics resource center for additional resources, videocasts and podcasts.
AMA Journal of Ethics COVID-19 videocasts
AMA Journal of Ethics COVID-19 videocasts
- Could Trusting Science Mean Not Trusting Some FDA Decisions?
- Building Trustworthiness and Ethical Public Health Practice
- Antibiotic Stewardship During COVID
- Equity and Intellectual Property Protection of COVID Vaccines
- Anti-Asian Racism During COVID and Beyond
- Public, Civic and Spiritual Health During COVID
- Surviving COVID Without Water and Other Utilities?
- Health Hazards of Cost Sharing
- Crushing Medical Debt During COVID
- Equal Justice Under Law and Health Equity
- COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the Health Care Workforce
- Rationing Critical Care During COVID Surge
- Unblinding COVID-19 Vaccine Trials
- Environmental Racism and Health Equity
- Blowing the Whistle on ICE or US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- COVID Dermatologic Disparities Go More Than Skin Deep
- COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and Solutions to Avoid Relying on Them
- Publishing Science and Accelerating Discovery During and After COVID-19
- Who Are You Voting For, Doc? I'm Voting For You.
- Embodied History, Health Justice, and COVID-19, Part 1
- Embodied History, Health Justice, and COVID-19, Part 2
- Revitalizing Democracy During COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, Part 1
- Revitalizing Democracy During COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, Part 2
- Equitable Allocation of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
- COVID-19 Pandemic and the Global Climate Crisis
- COVID-19 in US Detention Camps
- Digital Spread of Pandemic Misinformation and Lies, Part 1
- Digital Spread of Pandemic Misinformation and Lies, Part 2
- Ethics Talk: Pandemic Poetry, Present and Profane
- Virtue Ethics, Moral Authority, and COVID-19
- Antiracism, Health Equity, and a Post-COVID Future
- Spread of Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Polling, Politics, and Health Policy in the COVID-19 Era
- Public Health, Personal Liberties, and COVID-19
- Plight of Workers in Low Wage Jobs and COVID-19
- White Coats for Black Lives
- Social Isolation, Loneliness, and COVID-19
- Advance Care Planning and End-of-life Care in the COVID-19 Era
- Caring for Homeless People During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Immunity Status, Social Privilege, and the Novel Coronavirus.
- Vaccine Ethics and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Caring for Incarcerated Individuals During COVID-19 Pandemic
AMA Journal of Ethics podcasts
AMA Journal of Ethics podcasts
- Virtue Ethics, Moral Authority, and COVID-19
- Othering and Belonging in COVID-19
- Disability Community Perspectives on COVID-19
- Health Equity After COVID-19
- COVID-19 Pandemic Response
- What Are Clinicians’ Obligations to Patients Who Express Bias or Discrimination?
- When and How Should ECMO Be Initiated and Removed?