Payment & Delivery Models

Disease prevention & succeeding in MIPS: hypertension


The following performance measures and resources apply to all practice types and sizes. Based on your practice size, different scoring may apply.

MIPS performance categories and scoring:

  • Quality: 50% of composite score—replaces Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) program
  • Cost: 10% of composite score—replaces value-based modifier (VBM) program
  • Advancing Care Information (ACI): 25% of composite score—replaces Meaningful Use (MU) program
  • Improvement activities (new component): 15% of composite score

Please visit the AMA's Understanding Medicare's Merit-Based Incentive Payment System page for more information about the MIPS program, scoring strategies and bonus point opportunities.

This resource, Disease focus: Hypertension (PDF), can help improve the health of your patients with high blood pressure while checking all your MIPS boxes along the way.

The AMA also offers personalized consulting and support at no cost to your practice to implement a blood pressure quality improvement program. The Target: BP™ Improvement Program is a team-based care solution that can be implemented with minimal disruption to your existing workflow. For more information, visit Target BP ( or email [email protected].