The AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws (CCB) serves as a fact-finding and advisory committee on matters pertaining to the AMA Constitution and Bylaws (PDF). The council recommends changes in the constitution and bylaws as directed by the AMA House of Delegates (HOD) and advises the AMA Board of Trustees in reviewing the rules, regulations and procedures of AMA sections.
The council is responsible for the HOD reference manual (PDF) which provides an overview of how the AMA’s democratic body is organized and functions. It contains AMA policies and directives, AMA Bylaws, and practices announced in the Speakers’ Letter.
The council also provides guidelines for medical society bylaws (PDF) with suggested provisions for inclusion in the constitution and bylaws for state and county societies, specialty societies and professional interest medical associations.
Council rules and internal operating procedures
The AMA Board of Trustees entrusts the council to review changes to rules of all AMA councils prior to board approval. The council has developed an interactive database of council rules and AMA bylaws relevant to the AMA councils to assist with its review.
- Find the Council on Constitution and Bylaws’ full set of rules (PDF) as approved by the AMA Board of Trustees.
- See the rules approved by the Board for all councils (PDF)
Similarly, the council has responsibility for reviewing changes to the Internal Operating Procedures (IOP) prior to Board review and approval.
- See the Board-approved IOPs (PDF) for all AMA sections.
- The Council also has developed a related resource: Elements of an IOP (PDF).
Information for council members and the public
- PolicyFinder: This tool allows policymakers and the public to search AMA Bylaws and policies on health care issues, the health care system, medical science and the AMA’s organizational structure and governance.
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements: Completed forms for the current Council members.
Be a council member
- To seek nomination, appointment or re-appointment, please visit the Council and Committee Nominations page.
- Review the AMA Conflict of Interest policy and Council principles (PDF, members only). Information will be emailed to you with instructions on how to complete and submit the Conflict of Interest form.
Additional resources
- View bios and conflict of interest statements for the council members.
- Explore over 200 titles from the meeting archives.
Contact information
For questions or comments regarding the CCB, please contact:
Council on Constitution and Bylaws
American Medical Association
330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 39300
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Janice Robertson,
Council Secretary
(312) 464-4749