What to know about the other kind of CME credit
You’ve heard of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, but did you know there is also AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™? Learn about how to get continuing medical education (CME) credit for other educational experiences.
These experiences may provide valuable learning for physicians, despite not being certified by an accredited CME provider or qualifying for direct credit from the AMA.
AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ is self-designated and self-claimed by individual physicians for participation in educational activities not certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ that meet the following criteria:
- Comply with the AMA definition of CME
- Comply with relevant AMA ethical opinions
- Are non-promotional
- Are a worthwhile learning experience related to a physician’s practice, as determined by the physician
Examples of learning activities that might meet the requirements for AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ include:
- Unstructured online searching and learning (i.e., not Internet point-of-care)
- Reading authoritative medical literature
- Consultation with peers and medical experts
- Self-assessment activities
- Medical writing
- Preceptorship participation
- Peer review and quality assurance participation
Accredited CME providers must not certify activities for AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ and may not advertise that an activity qualifies or is eligible for AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™. Each physician is responsible for claiming and maintaining a record of their AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™.
Recording AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ activities is important, as these credits may count toward meeting the requirements for the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award, as well as for licensing and other credentialing requirements. Physicians should contact licensing and other credentialing entities directly to determine the number and type of credits required.
Learn more about CME at AMA Wire®, including:
- How to obtain CME credit for international activities
- Unconventional ways to earn CME
- How to decipher CME requirements