CME Opportunities

Year’s top challenges test your acumen with real patients, images

Marc Zarefsky , Contributing News Writer

Medical professionals looking to test their diagnostic skills while also earning continuing medical education (CME) credit can do so with clinical challenges from the AMA and JN Learning™.

1 Quiz, 1 Question, 1 CME credit

Take the JAMA Network Challenge on JN Learning to get CME. It’s easy as 1 – 2 – 3.

1. Read the case.

2. Take the quiz – a single question.

3. Read the discussion & download your certificate.

Available on the AMA Ed Hub™, JN Learning —the CME arm of the JAMA Network™—enables users to browse the JAMA Network catalogue of over 5,000 online resources by any medical topic. A filter then lets users locate more than 1,700 relevant online CME opportunities.

The AMA has added lessons for many of the most common specialty health topics. Each provides a brief assessment by way of a 10-lesson online series.

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These online learning opportunities present an actual patient case with a specific disease or condition alongside a clinical image. Participants are tasked with making the diagnosis and ordering the next best test or treatment, with the chance to earn AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credit™.

Here are the year’s top 10 trending clinical challenges. For each item, click the hyperlink to read more, take a quiz and learn the answer.

  1. Dysphagia in a 34-Year-Old Woman

    1. A 34-year-old woman struggled intermittently for two years with swallowing, particularly solid foods and especially meats. She did not complain of heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss or changes in bowel habits.

  2. Scaly Dermatitis and Edema in an Irritable Child

    1. A 19-month-old boy was evaluated because of widespread edema and acute dermatitis. One month earlier, the boy had an upper respiratory tract infection and developed disseminated red, scaly patches and a progressive eruption of hyperpigmented and hypopigmented patches of skin.

  3. Asymptomatic Purpuric Eruption on the Scalp of a Middle-aged Man

    1. A man in his 60s had a purpuric rash on his scalp for multiple days. It did not itch and it was not tender. He said he did not use any over-the-counter or prescription topicals on the affected site prior to the rash appearing, with the only exception being petroleum jelly.

  4. A 22-Year-Old Man with Painful Vesicles on His Flank

    1. The man suffered from painful and slightly itchy skin lesions on his right side over the course of eight years. The number of lesions as well as the severity of pain varied over the years.

  5. A Man with Incessant Narrow Complex Tachycardia

    1. A 30-year-old man who had a sore throat, fevers, and muscle ache one day came to the emergency department the next day with an irregular heartbeat.


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  6. A Man with Headache, Fever and Neck Stiffness

    1. A 53-year-old man suffered from back pain, stiff neck, headache and fevers for two weeks in a row. He also had three days of right knee pain and swelling.

  7. An 18-Month History of Dorsal Foot Lesions

    1. A 32-year-old Nigerian woman had dull pain, itching and discoloration on the upper side of both feet for 18 months. As a child, the patient had a red blood cell transfusion. She later had two uncomplicated pregnancies.

  8. Pruritic Rash and Diarrhea

    1. An 82-year-old woman suffered from diarrhea for two months and a rash for two weeks before arriving in the emergency department. Six months earlier, the patient had a left radius fracture that led to deconditioning and poor appetite.

  9. Recurrent Hematochezia in a Returning Traveler

    1. A 28-year-old man turned to his primary care physician after repeatedly having blood in his stool. The patient spent years living in Uganda, where he routinely swam in the Nile River. He had repeated cases of diarrhea since returning to the U.S.

  10. A Purpuric Rash

    1. A 48-year-old man had episodic fever, sweating, and headaches over the course of a week, followed by rash that appeared on his right foot. The patient had a history of gastroesophageal reflux disease and obstructive sleep apnea.

The AMA Ed Hub™ is an online platform that brings together all the high-quality CME, maintenance of certification, and educational content you need—in one place—with activities relevant to you, automated credit tracking and reporting for some states and specialty boards.

Learn more about AMA CME accreditation.