Interim Meeting

2024 Interim Meeting of the HOD: June 21 Speakers' Update


All members who have announced their intention to seek election at the June 2025 House of Delegates meeting are now listed on the AMA elections page. All open and potential open positions as of this announcement are listed.

Individuals considering becoming a candidate for any of the existing open or potential newly opened positions are encouraged to send an email with an electronic announcement card to [email protected] notifying us of your intention to be a candidate. Please designate if you wish to declare your candidacy for an open position or for a potential newly opened position.

Resolution 609 A-24 “Standardization of the Endorsement Process” was adopted and will be implemented for the elections at the 2026 Annual Meeting. Further details will be forthcoming soon.

As per the reporting requirements of our campaign rules, the following is a summary of the Election Committee’s (EC) activities for the Annual 2024 campaign and election cycle.

The EC is pleased to report that there were no official complaints filed during the 2024 Annual Meeting elections.

The committee once again wishes to remind all members of the House and all delegations of our election Guiding Principles found in G-610.090, and specifically highlight the following principles:

  1. Our American Medical Association delegates should:
    1. avail themselves of all available background information about candidates for elected positions in our AMA.
    2. determine which candidates are best qualified to help the AMA achieve its mission.
    3. make independent decisions when voting for candidates.
  2. Any electioneering practices that distort the democratic processes of House elections, such as vote trading for the purpose of supporting candidates, are unacceptable. This principle applies between as well as within caucuses and delegations.

Volunteers are needed for appointment to Reference Committee F. The committee deals with AMA’s governance and financial matters, including such things as the annual plan, budget, and business products, and is responsible for ensuring that the HOD has adequate information regarding the fiscal circumstances of the association. While the typical reference committee exists only for a single meeting, members of Reference Committee F serve two-year terms and meet with the Board of Trustees between HOD meetings, meaning their commitment is more substantial; in fact, the chair serves a third year in that capacity. Given the special role of the committee, along with the matters that come before it and the longer term of service, a separate application, Reference Committee F Volunteer Form, is required. 

Members of this committee also meet at each Annual and Interim Meeting to consider items of business. Reference committee members must be available to meet virtually on the weekend prior to the opening of the HOD to finalize the Preliminary Reference Committee Report.

The deadline to submit the volunteer form is Sunday, June 30. Appointments will be made in the first half of July. The full committee will meet with the Board of Trustees Sept. 14-15 in Chicago.

The speaker is also seeking volunteers to serve on the Election Committee (EC). The EC is appointed following each meeting at which an election is held and members are eligible for reappointment annually up to four terms sequentially and up to eight years in total. Terms begin immediately upon appointment by the speaker. You must also agree not to be directly involved in a campaign during your tenure. The deadline has been extended to July 31 with the anticipated appointments effective Sept. 1.

The primary role of the EC is to work with the speakers to adjudicate any election complaints. Additional roles are determined by the speaker and may include monitoring election reforms, responding to requests from the speaker for input on election issues as they arise, reviewing the campaign complaint reporting, validation and resolution process, and making recommendations to the House regarding campaign/election issues. 

Please submit the Election Committee Volunteer Form by Wednesday, July 31, if interested.

The American Medical Association is currently soliciting applications to fill three vacancies on the AMPAC Board of Directors.

In 2024, two members of the AMPAC Board will reach maximum tenure and one member has resigned, creating three vacancies. New members will be appointed by the AMA Board of Trustees at the September 2024 meeting. Members of the AMPAC Board serve a two-year term and may be eligible to serve three additional terms for a maximum tenure of eight years.

Applicants must submit the board-approved application, a three-page (maximum) executive CV, and may submit one letter of recommendation. For additional information on the application process and to download the most current AMPAC application form, visit the council & committee applications page.

All applicants must also complete a conflict of interest (COI) disclosure statement. This process has been automated by the AMA Office of the General Counsel, and a secure link will be emailed to each applicant. Application materials will not be considered until the COI disclosure has been completed.

Submit AMPAC applications to [email protected] no later than Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, at 5 p.m. Central.

-- Responses should be directed to [email protected]

For additional speakers' updates visit the updates overview page.