Interim Meeting

2024 Interim Meeting of the HOD: Sept. 29 Speakers' Update


Groups that wish to publicly endorse A-26 candidates have until Oct. 11, 2024, to submit their group endorsement form. This includes all delegations, caucuses, AMA sections, section councils and any other group in the AMA that is not able to sponsor a candidate. As a reminder, candidates may only be sponsored by the HOD delegation on which they serve or last served prior to election as a trustee.

AMA sections have been granted an exception for A-26 endorsements by the Board of Trustees for any conflict within their IOP that prohibits them from complying with the endorsement rules. However, they must still submit their form by the deadline and complete their endorsement process within the endorsement window.

Note that state delegations that wish to endorse specialty candidates from their state and specialty delegations that wish to endorse a state candidate from that specialty must complete this form in order to do so.

If your group is not listed on the published list, you will not be allowed to endorse candidates for the A-26 election cycle.

To be added to the published list you MUST complete and submit this group endorsement form. The items required on the form include: 

  • Candidate eligibility to receive your group’s endorsement.
  • Detailed process for candidates to apply for endorsement from your group.
  • Specific date for a candidate to contact your group in order to apply for your endorsement process.

Note that the endorsement process must be completed within the endorsement window. Therefore, the deadline must be prior to the close of the window.

The A-26 election cycle endorsement window opens Friday, Nov. 8, 2024, at 6 a.m. Eastern at the 2024 Interim Meeting and closes on Friday, June 5, 2025, at 5 p.m. Central (just prior to the opening of the 2025 Annual Meeting).

Please visit the HOD endorsement information webpage for additional details or contact the HOD office for further clarification.

-- Responses should be directed to [email protected]

For additional speakers' updates visit the updates overview page.

Visit the 2024 Interim Meeting page for registration and additional information for the HOD meeting.