Interim Meeting

From Rx prices to EHRs: Top stories from the 2015 AMA Interim Meeting


The 2015 AMA Interim Meeting took place this week. Read these highlights from the meeting, and see AMA Wire's® full coverage of the event to learn more.

Moments matter—and physicians must take them back: AMA president
AMA President Steven J. Stack, MD, spoke from the heart as he discussed the current state of health care in our country. When more and more moments are stolen from physicians, it is the patient who suffers most—and this cannot stand.

Physicians call for fairness in drug prices, availability
In response to increasing drug costs impacting patient access to needed medications, physicians called for a ban on advertising directly to patients, voted to convene a task force and agreed to launch an advocacy campaign to drive solutions and help make prescription drugs more affordable.

CDC panel shares solutions to combat antibiotic resistance
An estimated 2 million U.S. illnesses and 23,000 deaths each year are caused by antibiotic-resistant infections. Three experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spoke about this global health crisis and multifaceted solutions to address it. 

Standing together, physicians welcome and lead change: AMA CEO
“The American health care system evolves at a pace that would not have seemed possible not too long ago,” AMA Executive Vice President and CEO James L. Madara, MD, said. That’s why focusing on producing thriving practices that provide quality patient care is the most important aspect of health care today. 

Report points toward path for alternative GME funding
A new report takes a look at alternative funding sources for residency programs and offers steps that could be taken to expand existing graduate medical education (GME) programs and create new programs.

Stopping burnout a top priority for physicians in training
As burnout and suicide continue to plague the medical profession at much higher rates than the general population, the physician community took action. New policy is aimed at ensuring physicians in training have access to potentially life-saving mental health services.

New program helps develop the skill set every physician needs
Physicians have a strong history of leadership within the community, and the new Leadership Skills Series provides practical training for practicing physicians. Get involved and improve your ability to lead. 

Attend to EHRs so we can attend to patients, physicians say
The burden of meaningful use regulations and the associated problems with electronic health record (EHR) technology has plagued physicians for far too long. Physicians took action with the goal of removing these hindrances to physicians’ ability to provide quality care to patients.

Physicians reaffirm commitment to stop insurance mergers
In the face of mergers between major national health insurers, the medical profession will continue to stand against health insurance market consolidation that enhances health insurer market power, a trend that decreases health care access, quality and affordability.

Five things modern medical practices need to thrive
There’s no golden rule for achieving the perfect care setting, but physicians can take certain measures to ensure their practices are prepared for evolving technology, increased patient demands and shifting payment models.