2023 FREIDA™ data
In 2023, FREIDA™ users tallied nearly 25,000 views of gastroenterology (internal medicine) programs. In this list, we pare the 231 programs down to the 10 gastroenterology (internal medicine) residency programs ranked at the top for user interest.
Rankings are based on identified medical student activity on FREIDA™, the AMA Residency & Fellowship Database®, from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2023. FREIDA allows medical students to search for a residency or fellowship from more than 13,000 programs—all accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Specialty description
Gastroenterology is the branch of internal medicine that focuses on the structure, functions and diseases of the digestive tract. Gastroenterologists are internists who specialize in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive organs, including the esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. The subspecialty requires practitioners to have a wide array of skills, both procedural and cognitive.
The 10-most viewed gastroenterology (internal medicine) programs
University of Alabama Medical Center Program
Ascension Illinois/Saint Joseph (Chicago) Program
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) College of Medicine Program
AdventHealth Florida Program
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science (Scottsdale) Program
MedStar Health/Georgetown University Hospital Program
Cleveland Clinic (Florida) Program
Bridgeport Hospital/Yale University Program
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science (Jacksonville) Program
St Joseph's University Medical Center Program