Preparing for Residency

Our 10 most popular stories of 2018

Kevin B. O'Reilly , Senior News Editor

From physician burnout and specialty choice to top-court decisions and medical romance, our best-read and most popular stories of the year covered a lot of ground. Find out which stories caught the attention of physicians and medical students here in the U.S. and around the world.

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Physician burnout: It’s not you, it’s your medical specialty. The overall burnout rate fell from 2017, but doctors’ well-being remained a pressing issue. Find out whether you are practicing in one of the most stressful medical specialties.

Consider these overlooked factors for your Match rankings. Medical students should look beyond a program’s ranking in making their decision. These five other things are worth keeping in mind.

U.S. Supreme Court case could limit physician referral power. Legal experts said this case could set a precedent for dominant health insurers to prohibit physicians from referring patients out of network for innovative or medically necessary tests.

4 lessons Mayo Clinic learned from group meetings to cut burnout. The hospital lounge may be empty, but there’s a way to restore physician collegiality and improve well-being. Discover how Mayo’s approach succeeded.

Top specialties for medical fellowship applicants: 2018 at a glance. More physicians matched for fellowship positions in 2018 than ever before. Find out which choices were most popular and which subspecialties were most competitive.

What it’s like to specialize in dermatology: Shadowing Dr. Pandya. As a medical student, do you ever wonder what it’s like to specialize in dermatology? Meet Amit Pandya, MD, a featured physician in the AMA’s “Shadow Me” Specialty Series, which offers advice directly from physicians about life in their specialties. Check out his insights to help determine whether a career in dermatology might be a good fit for you.

Acting the part: Professionalism do’s and don’ts during clinicals. Despite years of study, medical students are relative amateurs at the outset of clerkship. Professional behavior can be key to their success on the wards.

4 things to consider when researching medical residency programs. Before interviews and applications, your search for the right residency program begins with doing your homework. Here are four factors to keep in mind.

How expensive is it to interview for medical residency? For fourth-year medical students, residency application costs can mount quickly. How costly? Let’s do the math.

Success in residency, romance aren’t mutually exclusive. Maintaining a successful relationship during residency can require both parties to recalibrate their definition of romance.