Medical Students

Medical Student Section (MSS) policymaking

UPDATED | 4 Min Read

Whether you are brand new to the Medical Student Section (MSS) or a seasoned member, you have the power to shape AMA policy and action on the issues most important in medicine.

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Resolutions are the primary way advocacy is conducted within the AMA. Resolutions adopted by the AMA House of Delegates become AMA policy. This helps direct the advocacy of the organization when interfacing with federal and state governments and other entities. The MSS may write, adopt and send resolutions to the AMA House of Delegates, giving MSS a voice in the AMA.

A resolution is a proposal that asks the MSS or AMA to take a position and/or an action. A resolution consists of at least one directive to take action or a new/amended position statement accompanied by supporting statements or facts. A resolution should:

  • Identify a problem
  • Provide a logical argument for why physicians should care about the problem
  • Propose a solution

MSS members may submit resolutions on important topics in medicine that existing AMA policy and MSS positions currently do not address. Before submitting a resolution, review the MSS Digest (PDF, members only) to see resolutions previously adopted by the MSS and visit the AMA’s PolicyFinder to see if AMA policy already exists on the resolution idea.

MSS members may submit resolutions for consideration at the MSS Assembly which meets twice annually, in June and November. The MSS policy cycle runs twice a year, from January to June (for the June Annual Meeting) and from July to November (for the November Interim Meeting).

Resolution author guide

The MSS Resolution Author Guide (PDF, members only) is the most important resource for authoring a resolution in the MSS. Most questions about how to start a resolution, how the process generally works, and how to find useful resources can be found in the guide.

Anyone interested in writing a resolution must submit their ideas to the MSS Open Forum prior to the annual or interim meetings. MSS resolutions must be submitted using the MSS resolution template (DOCX, members only). Resolutions that do not follow the template may not be considered.

MSS policy cycle

MSS resolutions undergo multiple rigorous reviews by various MSS leaders with different types of expertise. Resolutions are then opened for public comment by any MSS member. Resolutions are ultimately debated at the live, in-person MSS Assembly at each AMA Annual and Interim Meeting.

  • Jan. 6, 2025: Open forum opens
  • Feb. 16, 2025: Open forum closes
  • March 9, 2025: Draft resolution deadline
  • April 6, 2025: Final resolution deadline
  • April 13, 2025: Virtual Reference Committee opens
  • April 20, 2025: Virtual Reference Committee closes
  • May 19, 2025: MSS Reference Committee report released
  • May 29, 2025: Virtual extraction deadline
  • June 5-6, 2025: MSS Annual Meeting in Chicago

The MSS Governing Council wants every MSS member's voice to be heard. If you have a concern or new idea you would like addressed or brought to the attention of the MSS, fill out the action item request form.

Before submitting the form make sure to:

The MSS policy process is directed by the MSS section delegates. Please reach out to them with any questions.


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