Private Practice Physicians

2024 PPPS Annual Meeting highlights


The Private Practice Physicians Section (PPPS) held its 2024 Annual Meeting on Friday, June 7, 2024, in Chicago. The meeting was attended by more than 40 private practice physicians and invited guests. Attendees were pleased to see the ongoing support for the section and robust engagement.

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Elections were held for the Governing Council positions for 2024-2026 and here are the results:

  • Chair-elect:  Keshni Ramnanan, MD
  • Delegate: Timothy McAvoy, MD
  • Alternate delegate: Kieran McAvoy, MD
  • Member at-large 1-8: Roxanne Tyroch, MD

Attendees heard updates from the AMA Foundation, the AMA Alliance and an advocacy update from Todd Askew, AMA senior vice president for advocacy before engaging in an open discussion and forum on challenges to private practice and best strategies for engaging between Annual and Interim meetings.

Attendees listened to an educational presentation from Sea Chen, MD, PhD, on the Business of Medicine (BOM)! The team put together a compelling educational program appealing to a wide breadth of experience, from those just starting out (or interested) in private practice, to those who are more experienced. In a continuation of this conversation the members heard “I'm a Small Practice...So Many Hats” from Asa Lockhart, MD, reviewing how to develop plans, understand financial statements and activity-based costing with sample applications.

An additional educational program entitled “Hypertension Control... As a nation we are trending in the wrong direction” was delivered by Michael Rakotz, MD, group vice president of improving health outcomes. Dr. Rakotz discussed the AMA MAP™ Hypertension Program and how it incorporates evidence-based strategy and action steps, supporting tools and resources, quality improvement coaching and finishing with performance metrics, dashboards and monthly reports. The section members learned different strategies and action steps to make the program work for them.

The section transmitted four resolutions to the House of Delegates for consideration at its Annual 2024 Meeting:

  • Resolution 1—Mentorship to Combat Prior Authorization
  • Resolution 2—Change Health Security Lapse—The FBI Must Investigate
  • Resolution 3—Transparency at the Pharmacy Counter
  • Late Resolution 1—Addressing the Failed Implementation of the No Surprises Act IDR Process

The section also voted to refer two items back to the governing council for report back:

  • Resolution 4—Rebuke and Repeal CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule
  • Resolution 5—Getting On With The Times—Expanding PPPS Inclusivity Via Hybrid Meetings and Voting