Roxanne Tyroch, MD

Internal Medicine

AMA Affiliated Groups

Roxanne Tyroch, MD, FACP is an internist serving as a member at-large on the Private Practice Physician Section (PPPS) for the 2022-2024 term.

The PPPS is a member interest group within the AMA for physicians in private practice. The section governing council is responsible for directing PPPS efforts to preserve the freedom, independence and integrity of private practice.

Dr. Tyroch founded, owns and operates Intellimedicine, PA in El Paso, Texas.  She serves as vice-chair of the Lone Star Caucus of the Texas Medical Association and has been a tireless advocate for independent practice sustainability.

Membership Moves Medicine™

  • Free access to JAMA Network™ and CME
  • Save hundreds on insurance
  • Fight for physicians and patient rights
  • Limited-time half-price dues when you join!