Young Physicians

YPS Members and News Highlights-August 2024

Samuel Mathis, MD

August 2024

From YPS Chair Sam Mathis, MD, MBA

Over the last month, I have been thinking a lot about storms. Following my last chair’s corner, my city was hit by Hurricane Beryl. Fortunately, we came out relatively unscathed, but the event caused some reflection in my life about dealing with uncertainty and rough patches. I am so thankful for all the kind words, check-ins and offers of assistance. One thing I learned from this experience is how a little preparation can go a long way during rough times.

Recently, the governing council met for our section leadership retreat. We spent time learning about good governance practices, hearing about work that our business units are doing, collaborating with other sections and creating the YPS strategic plan for the next year. This was a wonderful time, and I am excited about some of the opportunities that will come out of this meeting. I want to share a few highlights from the meeting this month.

YPS members & news highlights

Check the list of additional monthly issues of YPS member news for details on the section's advocacy efforts, leadership opportunities, education, member profiles and more.

Strategic vision

The strategic vision of the YPS is to promote, develop and serve as the voice of young physicians. The work we do helps ensure that the association continues to focus on big issues that will impact our ability to practice medicine in the future. As part of our strategic planning, the governing council is focusing on four strategic goals: policy, leadership, engagement and visibility. We will go into greater detail about these strategic goals in later months, but I hope you notice that all these topics line up with the work that our standing committees are doing.

Section collaboration

The other highlight from the leadership retreat was the opportunity to think about how the YPS collaborates with other sections. This month, I want to highlight our career focused sections. The Academic Physicians Section (APS), Integrated Physician Practices Section (IPPS), Private Practice Physicians Section (PPPS) and Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS) are four sections that all physicians fall into. These sections offer resources and engagement for physicians who share similar practice models and can be a terrific way to connect with like-minded colleagues. The YPS is working to improve our connection with these sections to ensure YPS members know of the additional support these sections provide.

Membership Moves Medicine™

  • Free access to JAMA Network™ and CME
  • Save hundreds on insurance
  • Fight for physicians and patient rights

Of note, you will soon see a call for assembly members to engage in a task force to update our IOPs regarding elections. With recent updates in how endorsements are obtained, we need members to lead a listening session of the assembly and draft IOP changes to ensure our sectional IOPs align with the election rules set forth by the speaker. This task force will have an extremely short timeline with deliverables expected by next annual session. More info to come.

Finally, I want to say thank you. Thank you for all you do for your patients, your families and your colleagues. This house of medicine is better because you continue to show up and engage in the work of the AMA. The work you do helps to push forward the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health (see what I did there?). As I see the leadership of section members and your achievements, I can’t help but feel humbled and honored to serve you. Thank you for doing all you do.

As always, email us at [email protected] with any comments and questions.