Physician Professional Data™

AMA Physician Professional Data™

UPDATED | 2 Min Read

Established by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1906, the AMA Physician Professional Data™ includes significant education, training and professional certification information on virtually all Doctors of Medicine (MD) and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) in the United States, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and certain Pacific Islands.

The AMA Division of Health Solutions Data Management (HSDM) is dedicated to effectively and accurately collecting, analyzing and managing data within the AMA Physician Professional Data. The AMA seeks to achieve a high degree of accuracy in the organization and publication of physician data. Physicians' records are subject to change and are continuously updated through the extensive data collection and verification efforts performed within HSDM.

AMA Physician Professional Data includes current and historical data for more than 1.4 million physicians, residents and medical students in the United States. This figure includes approximately 449,000 graduates of foreign medical schools who reside in the United States and who have met the educational and credentialing requirements necessary for recognition.

A record is established when individuals enter medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), or in the case of international medical graduates (IMGs), upon entry into a post-graduate residency training program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). As a physician's training and career develop, additional professional certification information is added to their Physician Professional Data record.

Physician Professional Data serves as a primary resource for professional medical organizations, universities and medical schools, research institutions, governmental agencies and other health-related groups. Use of the AMA Physician Professional Data by agencies and organizations concerned with verifying physicians' credentials and health manpower planning is fundamental to the AMA's mission to strengthen the medical profession and ensure quality health care for the American public.

Updates to the AMA Physician Professional Data should be submitted electronically through the AMA Credentialing Solutions site. Please note that AMA requires verification from the primary source before applying changes to medical education, residency training or other professional certification data.

Physicians and medical students have the option to restrict unwanted correspondence, opt out of having their information routinely licensed and/or restrict access to their prescribing data.

Download additional information (PDF) on how the AMA Physician Professional Data is used for AMA Physician Profiles.


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