Medicare & Medicaid

How Medicare cuts threaten access to care in Michigan


Unless Congress repeals Medicare’s flawed sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula by March 31, Michigan physicians face a 24 percent cut to payments for Medicare claims. If the cut happens, consequences for the state include: 

  • The average physician would get a cut of $19,000.
  • Jobs for the state’s 97,356 practice employees could be in peril as physicians struggle to cover practice expenses.
  • A total of 1,728,338 Medicare and 95,118 Tricare patients could face access-to-care issues.

Let’s push SGR repeal across the finish line. Send an email to Congress now, and call your lawmakers via the AMA’s Physicians Grassroots Network hotline at (800) 833-6354. Tell them no more patches;  repeal SGR!