Medicare & Medicaid

Meaningful use tip sheets help meet specific measures


Get the help you need to meet specific core measures of the meaningful use electronic health record (EHR) incentive program with a series of tip sheets. The deadline to submit 2014 data and demonstrate meaningful use is Feb. 28.

According to data the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released in mid-December, more than 50 percent of eligible professionals will face payment penalties in 2015 because they could not fulfill meaningful use requirements. Use the AMA’s tip sheets on some of the more complex Stage 2 core measures.

  • Enable patients to view, download and transmit health information. Physicians must both make it possible for patients to see their health data, and get at least 5 percent of patients to actually use the online patient portal to see their data.
  • Allow physicians to send electronic care summaries for patients transitioning from one care setting to another. This measure has three different parts that physicians must achieve to successfully demonstrate meaningful use.
  • Conduct or review a security risk analysis. This measure allows physicians to stay in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act while also meeting meaningful use requirements.

Physicians also should know how to protect against—and respond to—an audit. Most audits are conducted randomly, but CMS may target physicians where it detects suspicious data. Learn how to avoid being audited, and what to do if you are audited.

The AMA will continue to press policymakers for the adoption of solutions to the one-size-fits all meaningful use program, as outlined in a blueprint submitted to CMS in October. In a letter (log in) sent last week to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, the AMA and 35 physician groups said there are many issues with EHRs, but addressing EHR certification is an improvement that can be made in the short-term to guide further efforts in the long-term. Read about the suggested improvements at AMA Wire®.

In addition, the AMA is building on a new framework for EHR usability that it developed with an external advisory committee of practicing physicians and health IT experts, researchers and executives. The AMA is working with physicians, EHR vendors, policymakers, health care systems and researchers to drive EHR improvements that can advance the delivery of high-quality, affordable care. 

Learn more about how to demonstrate meaningful use and get resources at the AMA’s meaningful use Web page.