Medicare & Medicaid

Physicians explain method for meeting meaningful use Stage 2


Learn how to meet requirements for Stage 2 of the electronic health record (EHR) meaningful use program using a health information exchange (HIE). A free podcast series produced by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and the AMA explains how.

“Even though only one or two [meaningful use Stage 2 measures] require an HIE, if you look carefully at them, probably 95 percent of them will be facilitated by having an HIE,” explains Joe Heyman, MD, a past chair of the AMA Board of Trustees.

Dr. Heyman is the founder, former president and current chief medical information officer of Whittier Independent Practice Association (IPA) in Northeastern Massachusetts, which owns and operates the Wellport Health Information Exchange. He shares his expertise in this series alongside Dan Paoletti, vice president and CEO of the Ohio Health Information Partnership.

The podcast series covers three important topics:

  • Episode No. 5 explores the benefits of engaging with HIEs for physicians and their practices, as well as challenges and recommendations for physicians who don’t have access to an HIE organization.
  • Episode No. 7 explains the basics of HIE participation, meaningful use requirements, the role of public health departments and clinical decision support.
  • Episode No. 8 looks at medication reconciliation, registries, health information service providers and the business case to engage with HIE.

HIEs govern the electronic sharing of health information within a defined geographic area to improve health and care within the community. Governance, structure and geographic scope of an HIE organization varies across the country, with some organizations serving small regions while others serve entire states or multi-state regions. Different HIE organizations may use different models, and the types of clinical data exchanged and services offered can vary, too.

Listen to the podcasts today to learn more about how participating in an HIE can help your practice.