Montana CME Requirements

Learn about the Montana Board of Medical Examiners and earn your continuing medical education (CME) credits online with the AMA Ed Hub.

Illustration of the continental United States made up of red and white circular icons representing different aspects of medicine.
AMA in Action: Fixing prior authorization
3 Min Read

Advocacy in action: Fixing prior authorization

Download PDFs of reports, model legislation or a state law chart. Prior authorization is a health plan cost-control process that delays patients’ access to care. Learn how the AMA is tackling prior authorization.

Prior Authorization

Are you a physician in Montana?

Visit AMA's Find a Doctor to claim your physician page, verify your information, and add practice details.

A team of doctors
3 Min Read

Scope of practice key tools & resources

Download PDFs of issue briefs, model legislation and state law charts. Through resources, research and the Scope of Practice Partnership, the AMA has what you need to advance your scope of practice advocacy agenda.

Scope of Practice
2 Min Read

Medical Student Section (MSS) Region executive board members

Leadership of the seven MSS Regions is responsible for policy development and facilitate engagement and collaboration between local campus sections.  

Medical Students
3 Min Read

State medical liability reform

Download PDFs of state law charts, issue briefs and model legislation to learn how the AMA pursues medical liability laws on the state level to reshape the current medical liability system to better serve both physicians and patients.


Physician Workforce Maps

The AMA Health Workforce Mapper is a free, customizable, interactive tool that illustrates the geographic distribution of the health care workforce. 

Unfolded U.S. map
Figure walking toward two disparate paths
5 Min Read

9 states pass bills to fix prior authorization

Nine states and the District of Columbia moved to streamline prior authorization last year. Another 30 states are considering legislation in 2024.

Prior Authorization
Fighting for Physicians
Gloved hands placing a bandage on a person's arm
4 Min Read

Montana vaccine law would put physicians in ethical bind

Find out how the AMA’s fighting a law that would bar physicians from knowing employees’ status for any vaccine, putting patients’ health at risk.

Public Health
Hands holding dirt with a seedling
6 Min Read

Why we should think of the physician workforce as an ecosystem

LeeAnna I. Muzquiz, MD, experienced the challenges Native Americans face in pursuing careers in medicine firsthand. Now she’s working to conquer them.

Health Equity

HOD State Medical Societies

The House of Delegates (HOD) is the legislative and policy-making body of the American Medical Association. State medical associations and national medical specialty societies are represented in the HOD along with AMA sections, national societies such as AMWA, AOA and the NMA, professional interest medical associations, and the federal services, including the Public Health Service.

Medical team
Pregnant person sitting on hospital bed
4 Min Read

Alarming rise in U.S. maternal mortality signals need for change

Maternal mortality rates remain high across all racial and ethnic groups. More must be done to push positive change on the issue.

Population Care
Two people holding hands
5 Min Read

23 medical boards make changes to support physician well-being

Nearly a dozen other state boards are reevaluating licensure applications to help physicians feel freer to seek the mental health care they may need.

Physician Health
Fighting for Physicians