Robert Nagler Miller

Robert worked as a contributing writer in 2017.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints

Caleb Zimmerschied

Caleb worked as a contributing writer in 2017.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints

Tim Mullaney

Tim Mullaney was a contributing writer for the AMA in 2016.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints
David O. Barbe, MD, MHA

David O. Barbe, MD, MHA

Dr. Barbe, a board-certified family physician from Mountain Grove, Missouri., was the 172nd president of the American Medical Association from June 2017 to June 2018. He currently serves as president of the World Medical Association.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints
Andrew W. Gurman, MD

Andrew W. Gurman, MD

Dr. Gurman, an orthopaedic hand surgeon from Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, became the 171st president of the American Medical Association in June 2016.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints

Michael Winters

Michael Winters was a contributing writer for the AMA in 2016.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints
photo of Michael Tutty, PhD

Michael A. Tutty, PhD

Michael Tutty, PhD, MHA is the Group Vice President of Professional Satisfaction and Practice Sustainability at the American Medical Association (AMA).

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints
Steven J. Stack, MD

Steven J. Stack, MD

Dr. Stack, an emergency physician residing in Lexington, Kentucky, became the 170th president of the American Medical Association in June 2015.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints


Read more about the authors of AMA news articles and leadership viewpoints.

Authors of News & Leadership Viewpoints