Continuing Medical Education

Earn your Obstetrics and Gynecology CME at AMA Ed Hub. We make it easy for you to find education based on your needs and interests. Accessible on any device and at any time, courses are available in a variety of formats, so that you can listen, watch, read or interact in ways that best suit your needs.

Graphic showing a medical checklist on a clipboard
Pregnant woman in doctor's appointment
5 Min Read

What it’s like in obstetrics and gynecology: Shadowing Dr. Warner

AMA member Kimberly D. Warner, MD, says the drawbacks of an unpredictable schedule are offset by the rewards of seeing happy mothers and babies.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

How to become an OB/GYN?

An obstetrician/gynecologist focuses on the health of women before, during, and after childbearing years, diagnosing and treating conditions of the reproductive system and associated disorders.

Graphic of a med school student transitioning into a physician.
Woman at a check-up
2 Min Read

Another look at pain in ob-gyn, beyond labor and delivery

Telling patients “this might sting” can be disingenuous and undermine trust. Get more tips to improve communication with patients.

Pregnant patient in conversation with doctor
6 Min Read

What it's really like as an ob-gyn—from 5 physicians who know

Shadowing one ob-gyn is the best way to learn about life in obstetrics and gynecology. Exploring insights from five of them is the next best thing.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series
Natasha Prince, MD
6 Min Read

What it's like in obstetrics and gynecology: Shadowing Dr. Prince

Natasha Prince, MD, an ob-gyn, says that while days can be long, nothing beats being involved in the birth of a baby.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

As a medical student, do you ever wonder what it's like in a particular specialty? Shadowing a doctor offers valuable insights to help determine whether a career in certain specialty is a good fit for you. Meet featured physicians in the AMA’s  “Shadow Me” Specialty Series, which offers advice directly from physicians about life in their specialties.

Graphic of figure holding the hand of its shadow
5 Min Read

AMA joint report studies impact of OB/GYN facility closures in Chicago

AMA joint report finds that maternal and infant health on south and west sides of Chicago are more heavily affected by OB/GYN facility closures.

Press Releases
Two people in conversation in an office setting
4 Min Read

How ob-gyn is transforming the residency-interview process

The specialty of obstetrics and gynecology is working to help residents and programs find their ideal matches and make learners ready on day one. Learn more with the AMA.

Preparing for Residency
6 Min Read

What it’s like in obstetrics and gynecology: Shadowing Dr. Ring

Brandi Ring, MD, loves obstetrics and gynecology because there is no typical day or week. The trust she builds with patients as an ob-gyn is “truly amazing.”

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

HOD Specialty Societies

The House of Delegates (HOD) is the legislative and policy-making body of the American Medical Association. State medical associations and national medical specialty societies are represented in the HOD along with AMA sections, national societies such as AMWA, AOA and the NMA, professional interest medical associations, and the federal services, including the Public Health Service.

Medical team
2 Min Read

Obstetrics and gynecology programs with the most residency positions

According to FREIDA™ data, obstetrics and gynecology offers 1,600 first-year medical residency positions. Here are the programs offering the most opportunities.

Preparing for Residency
2 Min Read

10 most-viewed obstetrics and gynecology residency programs

FREIDA™ users have tallied more than 82,000 views of obstetrics and gynecology residency programs. Of the 295 obstetrics and gynecology residencies listed, here are the 10 programs that rose to the top for user interest.

Preparing for Residency