Pregnant woman in doctor's appointment
5 Min Read

What it’s like in obstetrics and gynecology: Shadowing Dr. Warner

AMA member Kimberly D. Warner, MD, says the drawbacks of an unpredictable schedule are offset by the rewards of seeing happy mothers and babies.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

How to choose a specialty?

FREIDA's Specialty Guide is designed to simplify medical students’ specialty selection process, highlight major specialties, detail training information, and provide access to related association information.

Graphic of a med school student transitioning into a physician.
Whitney Sambhariya, MD
6 Min Read

How this PGY-2 balances physician residency, advocacy training

Through the Medical Justice in Advocacy Fellowship, AMA member Whitney Sambhariya, MD, PhD, is honing skills to advance health equity.

Health Equity
Thriving in Residency
1 Min Read

Medical education leadership opportunities

Apply for a leadership position by submitting the required documentation by the deadline.

Council on Medical Education
Woman at a check-up
2 Min Read

Another look at pain in ob-gyn, beyond labor and delivery

Telling patients “this might sting” can be disingenuous and undermine trust. Get more tips to improve communication with patients.


"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

As a medical student, do you ever wonder what it's like in a particular specialty? Shadowing a doctor offers valuable insights to help determine whether a career in certain specialty is a good fit for you. Meet featured physicians in the AMA’s  “Shadow Me” Specialty Series, which offers advice directly from physicians about life in their specialties.

Graphic of figure holding the hand of its shadow
Doctors doing an exam or surgery
4 Min Read

What it's really like in ophthalmology—from 3 physicians who know

Shadowing one physician in ophthalmology is a great way to learn about life in the specialty. Exploring these insights from three of them is the next best thing.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series
Jennifer Bryan, MD
4 Min Read

What it's like to specialize in family medicine: Shadowing Dr. Bryan

Jennifer Bryan, MD, of Hattiesburg Clinic, says a rewarding part of family medicine is forming long-term relationships with patients and families.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series
Operation room at hospital with patient
4 Min Read

What it's really like in anesthesiology—from 3 physicians who know

Shadowing one physician in anesthesiology is a great way to learn about life in the specialty. Exploring these insights from three of them is the next best thing.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series

HOD Specialty Societies

The House of Delegates (HOD) is the legislative and policy-making body of the American Medical Association. State medical associations and national medical specialty societies are represented in the HOD along with AMA sections, national societies such as AMWA, AOA and the NMA, professional interest medical associations, and the federal services, including the Public Health Service.

Medical team
William Childs, DO
7 Min Read

What it's like to specialize in family medicine: Shadowing Dr. Childs

William Childs, DO, of Henry Ford Health, is just one year into practice, and he has already changed his approach to being a family physician. 

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series
Pregnant patient in conversation with doctor
6 Min Read

What it's really like as an ob-gyn—from 5 physicians who know

Shadowing one ob-gyn is the best way to learn about life in obstetrics and gynecology. Exploring insights from five of them is the next best thing.

Specialty Profiles
"Shadow Me" Specialty Series