Health care workers standing in a circle while in discussion
6 Min Read

What I wish I knew in residency about effective teamwork

AMA member Stephanie Strohbeen, MD, says learning to be a great teammate is one of the biggest growth experiences in residency.

Residency Life
Thriving in Residency

Membership Moves Medicine™

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AMA Foundation Excellence in Medicine Awards
7 Min Read

This top 10 is making a big difference to advance health care

Learn about the nine physicians and one medical student recently honored by the AMA Foundation for their altruism, advocacy and professional skill. 

Three arrows pointed in different directions
5 Min Read

Physician employee, partner or owner? 3 paths for young doctors

Physician practice options can overwhelm. Learn from experienced doctors how practice setting influences autonomy, financial risk and more.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
5 Min Read

Find leadership opportunities with the AMA sections

AMA sections (groups) provide ample opportunities for physicians and medical students to be leaders and make a positive impact on the profession and patients' lives.

Choosing practice setting
5 Min Read

Solo? Group? Academia? Pros and cons to these practice settings

Residents and fellows deciding on a practice setting should be armed with all the relevant details. Learn more with the AMA.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Figure holding up a flag at the top of the mountain while others follow
3 Min Read

5 things young physicians should know about mentor relationships

Seeking out mentors once you move from training to practice can be a bit more difficult, but it remains key to navigating your career.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Health  practitioner comforting a patient
4 Min Read

Why the transition to practice is harder for radiation oncologists

Research sheds light on how the challenge of transitioning from residency to attending physician varies by specialty. Learn more with the AMA.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Person walking toward one of three open doors
4 Min Read

Young doctors should know pros, cons of these 4 practice settings

Young physicians are wise to keep an eye out for their next practice opportunity. Find out what to look for with this expert advice from the AMA.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice
Blurred image of commuters in a tunnel
3 Min Read

First physician job post-residency often a way station: survey

It used to be that physicians spent about six years on average at their first job after training. But in recent years, that’s changed. Learn more.

Transition from Resident to Attending
Transitioning to Practice