
Joan F. Giambalvo Fund for the Advancement of Women past recipients

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  • Yoshiko Iwai, MS, and Oluwadamilola M. Fayanju, MD, MA, MPHS
    Title: "Surgical Instrument Ergonomics and Gender Disparities"
  • Maram Alkhatib, MD, and Zareen Zaidi, MD
    Title: “Unpacking the stranger: Xenophobic Experiences of Arab Women in Academic Medicine”
  • Kavitha Ranganathan, MD, Timothy R. Smith, MD, and Cierra N. Harper, BS, medical student
    Title: “Evaluating Communication Strategies as relevant to Surgical Trainees”
  • Huma Farid, MD, and K. Meredith Atkins, MD
    Title: "The pandemic and the female physician: Creating a framework to retain female faculty"
  • Robin Klein, MD, MEHP; Nneka N. Ufere, MD; Sherri-Ann M. Burnett-Bowie, MD, MPH; Kerri Palamara, MD; Ishani Ganguli, MD, MPH; Jennifer Koch, MD; Erin D. Snyder, MD; Anna Volerman, MD; Sarah Schaeffer, MD; Katherine A. Julian, MD; Vanessa Thompson, MD; Wendy Simon, MD; Simerjot K. Jassal, MD; Alex Millard, MD; Brian Uthlaut, MD
    Title: "Intersection of trainee ethnicity/race and gender on learner assessment in medical education (InTERsect study)"
  • Anees B. Chagpar, MD, MSc, MPH, MA, MBA, FACS
    Title: "Creation and assessment of a virtual negotiation workshop for women physicians"
  • Vidhya Prakash, MD; Heeyoung Han, PhD; Susan Thompson Hingle, MD; and Wendi El-Amin, MD
    Title: “Research Initiative to Sponsor and Empower Women in Medicine and Science (RISE WIMS)"
  • Cara Cipriano, MD and Kate Gerull, MD
    Title: “Gendered differences in medical students’ sense of belonging in orthopedic surgery: A multi-institution study”
  • Tiffany I. Leung, MD, MPH, FACP, FAMIA; Sima S. Pendharkar, MD, MPH, FACP; and Angie Chen, MD, FACP, FASAM; Tammy Lin, MD, MPH, FACP; and Karen Wang, MD, MHS
    Title: “Women physicians in transition: Learning to navigate the pipeline from early to mid-career”
  • Eliza Lo Chin, MD, MPH; Roberta Gebhard, DO; Mary Rojek, PhD; Wendy Bernstein, MD, MBA; and Mollie Marr
    Title: "Fixing the Leaky Pipeline—Attrition of Women During Medical Training"
  • Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD and Maren Loe, MD/PhD student
    Title: "Investigating Gender Bias in Medical Student Evaluations"
  • Kimberly Templeton, MD and Anne Walling, MD
    Title: "Issues Faced by Senior Women Physicians"
  • Basmah Safdar, MD
    Title: “Does Stereotyping of a Physician by Gender and Race Affect Patient Satisfaction? Evidence from a Patient Analog Experiment”
  • Shobha W. Stack, MD, PhD and Jennifer Best, MD
    Title: "Childbearing among physicians in training: A cross-sectional survey of trends and factors."
  • Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, MD
    Title:"Save a Life" (Examine the issue of physician suicide)
  • Lucy Spalluto, MD
    Title: "Female Faculty Development in Radiology: Designing and Implementing a Module Based Education Program"
  • Elizabeth H. Ellinas, MD
    Title: "Gender Differences in Promotion and Retention: Enhancing the Position of Female Faculty in Higher Academic Rank and Leadership Positions"
  • Sneha Harshad Shah, MD
    Title: "Gender Differences in Empathy and Burnout Amongst Emergency Medicine Residents"
  • Rashmi Kudesia, MD 
    Title: "Reproductive Knowledge, Barriers, and Outcomes Among Female U.S. Medical Students and Trainees"
  • Janet Lee, MD, FACS; Yolanda Haywood, MD; Hope Jackson; Aisha Davis, MD; and Jehan El-Bayoumi, MD 
    Title: "The Experience of Chief Residents Who Have Remained in and Who Have Left Academic Medicine"
  • Linda Brodsky, MD and Roberta Gebhard, DO 
    Title: "Work Habits of Women Physicians: Request for Planning Grant"
  • Natalie Anne Clark, MD
    Title: "Conceiving Conception: Fertility Perceptions among American Physicians"
  • Lora C. Denton, MD, FACP
    Title: "Flexible Work Options: Finding Feasible Solutions to Keep Women in the Workplace"
  • Lisa Kairis, MD 
    Title: "Gender Differences in Practice Patterns of Obstetricians/Gynecologists: A Critical Shortage of Female Obstetricians Who Perform Deliveries"
  • Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD, MHS 
    Title: "Promotion and Retention of Diversity in Medical Education: Gender"
  • Elizabeth Breen, MD 
    Subject: The impact of family on a female surgeon’s career
  • Heather Paladine, MD 
    Subject: The key characteristics, benefits and challenges of women family physicians that practice in rural settings
  • Rachel Levine, MD and Hilit Mechaber, MD 
    Subject: Best practices for mentoring female medical students by analyzing data from a series of student and faculty focus groups
  • Nicole J. Borges, PhD
    Subject: Factors influencing physician choice for an academic path
  • Sue Yom, MD, PhD
    Subject: Impact of attrition for women faculty
  • Maurice Clifton, MD, MSEd 
    Subject: Obstacles women face with practicing in rural areas
  • Patricia Turner, MD
    Subject: Attitudes regarding childbearing and impact on a woman’s decision to pursue a career in surgery
  • Ethan Jewett, MA 
    Subject: Physician Reentry
  • Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPHIL, was the first recipient of the Joan F. Giambalvo Fund for the Advancement of Women. Dr. Jagsi received Giambalvo funding to research the gender gap in the attainment of independent funding for research.

See the 2023 Giambalvo Fund recipients.


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