- Where can I get answers to my CPT coding questions?
- How can I submit requests for changes to CPT?
- Where can I purchase other CPT products or learn more about AMA products and services?
- I am developing a product that will contain CPT codes. Do I need permission from the AMA?
- How can I get a distribution or internal use license for CPT?
- My product will only use a few CPT codes. Do I need a license?
- What is the correct format for the copyright notice?
- I need more information. Who can I contact?
Where can I get answers to my CPT coding questions?
You may submit your CPT coding questions to AMA's online CPT Network service. This online service features an option to search a database of frequently asked questions about CPT coding and clinical vignettes of procedures. It also includes a standardized form for submitting online inquiries on issues not contained in the Knowledge Base. The new online service is offered as a benefit to AMA members and subscribers.
How can I submit requests for changes to CPT?
Review details on the CPT process, and forms for submitting code change requests.
Where can I purchase other CPT products or learn more about AMA products and services?
You can find authoritative print and e-book content you expect from the AMA Store, available through various distributors. When you place an order, you can expect competitive pricing, easy ordering, fast delivery and flexible shipping rates.
I am developing a product that will contain CPT codes. Do I need permission from the AMA?
Yes. The AMA holds copyright in CPT and use or reprinting of CPT in any product or publication requires a license. To use CPT codes in a product that will be sold or distributed to others, please obtain a distribution license.
How can I get a distribution or internal use license for CPT?
For information on the license process, proper use, fees and applications, please visit our licensing page.
My product will only use a few CPT codes. Do I need a license?
You should evaluate whether your proposed use of CPT falls within "fair use."
The U.S. Copyright Law, under Chapter One, Section 107, exempts certain limited use of copyrighted works, referred to a "fair use" and such uses are permissible without a license.
The law requires that you make a good faith determination based on the balance of 4 statutory factors. These factors are subject to interpretation, and careful analysis is required. Consulting your legal advisor is a good idea. For more information on fair use and the copyright law, see the U.S. Copyright Office website.
What is the correct format for the copyright notice?
When incorporating CPT content into other works, please place the following notices prior to initial display of CPT content:
"CPT Copyright 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association."
(Please note that the use or reprinting of CPT content in any product or publication requires a license. For more information about the licenses available, see CPT License Information.)
Applicable FARS/DFARS Restrictions Apply to Government Use
Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.
I need more information. Who can I contact?
For more information, contact Intellectual Property Services:
CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
Table of Contents
- Where can I get answers to my CPT coding questions?
- How can I submit requests for changes to CPT?
- Where can I purchase other CPT products or learn more about AMA products and services?
- I am developing a product that will contain CPT codes. Do I need permission from the AMA?
- How can I get a distribution or internal use license for CPT?
- My product will only use a few CPT codes. Do I need a license?
- What is the correct format for the copyright notice?
- I need more information. Who can I contact?