
Improving health outcomes: Hypertension publications

A woman having her BP taken as a health care working monitors it.

There is significant evidence that supports the work the American Medical Association does to aid physicians and care teams to reduce BP and improve BP control rates across patient populations.

The following list of publications should provide valuable resources and highlight the effectiveness of the AMA’s Measure Accurately, Act Rapidly and Partner with Patients (AMA MAP™ Hypertension) hypertension quality improvement program, the importance of accurate BP measurement and effective management of hypertension and the need for enhancing health equity and reducing disparities in hypertension control and treatment.

These publications highlight the importance of accurate BP measurement and effective treatment of hypertension to achieve improved BP control in effort to reduce the impact of cardiovascular disease and help improve heart health in U.S. adults with hypertension.

Achieve improvement in hypertension control

Health care organizations can improve BP control rate by implementing AMA MAP™ Hypertension, a leading evidence-based quality improvement program for physicians and care teams.