
Release the Pressure toolkit for health care professionals

3 Min Read

The AMA is committed to improving the health of the nation by leading the charge to prevent and reduce the burden of chronic diseases. The AMA will continue its efforts aimed at helping all American adults meet their blood pressure (BP) goals to ensure patients live richer and fuller lives.

Encourage your patients to join the AMA's heart health movement. Research reinforces the need for all health care providers and their patients to prioritize BP control: 

Release the Pressure Campaign
  • 860,000 people die from heart disease annually in the U.S.
  • 46% of U.S. adults have hypertension—the leading risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
  • The prevalence of high BP in Black women is nearly 42% higher than among white women in the U.S., and 14% higher for Black men compared with white men.
  • Among Black adults with high BP, nearly 80% do not have their BP controlled to goal.

Release the Pressure

A new campaign from AMA, physician groups and heart health experts aims to support Black women in a movement for healthy BP.

The Release the Pressure (RTP) collaboration brings together a dedicated coalition of health care organizations—the American Medical Association (AMA), AMA Foundation, Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC), American Heart Association (AHA), Minority Health Institute (MHI) and National Medical Association (NMA)—aimed at ensuring Black communities have the power, knowledge, opportunities and resources to achieve optimal health.

As part of this effort, we aim to reach more than 300,000 Black women, encouraging them to make heart health a priority by taking our pledge at ReleaseThePressure.org.

In order to achieve this goal, we need you! Together, we can help bring an end to health inequities associated with chronic disease, and ensure every American has access to the conditions, resources and opportunities to achieve optimal BP.

  1. Spread the word.

    1. Share Release the Pressure campaign-related materials on your personal and organization’s social media channels or print and leave campaign materials in your clinic for patients to take.
  2. Talk with your patients about managing heart health.

    1. Have a conversation about the importance of heart health and the current statistics. Open communication and active listening are key to being the best advocate for your patients. Knowledge is power.
  3. Encourage your patients to the take the pledge.

    1. Once they commit to joining our heart health movement by taking the pledge, help your patients understand their numbers by setting a BP goal (with their primary care physician).
  4. Teach your patients to measure their BP at home.

    1. Take the time to explain and teach your patients how to properly self-measure and document their BP. This is a great exercise for medical students and other members of the care team as it builds rapport and allows for better patient understanding.
  5. Check out our resources.

    1. The RTP coalition has an abundance of resources that highlight the importance of partnering with our patients in maintaining a healthy BP and in chronic disease management.

Self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) monitoring refers to the regular measurement of BP by a patient in their home or elsewhere outside the clinical setting. SMBP enables health care providers to better diagnose and manage hypertension, helps patients take an active role in the process, and is recommended in multiple clinical guidelines.

To learn more about Release the Pressure and to find resources for your patients, visit ReleaseThePressure.org


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