3 Min Read

Debunking regulatory myths

The AMA provides regulatory clarification to physicians and their care teams in an effort to aid physicians in their day-to-day practice environment.

Debunking Regulatory Myths

Education from the National Coalition for Sexual Health

Deliver inclusive and effective sexual health care with education and tools from NCSH.

3 Min Read

Are clinicians required to ask patients about pain during every visit?

Get real answers from the AMA to common myths about pain inquiries during patient visits.

Physician-Patient Relationship
Debunking Regulatory Myths
1 Min Read

Pearl of the Week: Thanks, but no thanks

Find resources on managing messages from the patient portal.

AMA STEPS Forward® Pearl of the Week
Multiple unopened email message icons
3 Min Read

Myth or fact? Only doctors can respond to patient portal messages

Patient messages to physicians skyrocketed after COVID-19. But must physicians personally respond to each? The AMA sets the record straight.

Fighting for Physicians

Critical care treatment CME

Critical care medicine in intensive care units plays a large role in the medical system. Learn how to best address general and psychiatric critical care equitably.

Health care professional with a stethoscope in their pocket
4 Min Read

6 simple ways to master patient communication

Medical students entering patient-facing clinical training are well served to brush up on their communication skills. Learn more with the AMA.

Medical School Life
Succeeding in Medical School
4 Min Read

AMA Private Practice Simple Solutions

AMA's open access rapid learning cycles are designed to provide opportunities to implement actionable changes to increase efficiency in private practices.

Private Practices
7 Min Read

HIV, STIs, Viral Hepatitis and LTBI Routine Screening Toolkit: Patient intake

To implement an effective routine screening program, there are several critical considerations to keep in mind along the testing continuum. Learn about step 2: patient intake and download the toolkit PDF.

Public Health

Educating health care teams CME

Fifty years of evidence-based education for the health care team focused on advancing practice and strategies for improved patient outcomes from award winning Boston University CCE.

5 Min Read

HIV, STIs, Viral Hepatitis and LTBI Routine Screening Toolkit: Initiate standard screening protocols

Identifying who to screen for what infection(s) and when is a critical consideration for how to implement an effective routine screening program. Access the toolkit PDF, videos and more.

Public Health
6 Min Read

HIV, STIs, Viral Hepatitis and LTBI Routine Screening Toolkit: Education and post-test counseling

Educating and engaging patients in their care is a critical consideration for how to implement an effective routine screening program. Download the toolkit PDF and access additional resources. 

Public Health