Advocacy Update

Dec. 18, 2020: Advocacy Update other news


A new Policy Research Perspective uses AMA’s nationally representative Physician Practice Benchmark Survey to provide a detailed look at how physicians were compensated by their practices from 2012 to 2018. The percentage of physicians paid by a combination of two or more methods increased from 48.2% in 2012 to 57.3% in 2018 due to an increase in the percentage of physicians who received more than half their compensation from salary combined with at least one other method, namely bonus. Although salary continued to be the dominant method of physician compensation, productivity was still a large and important factor in physician compensation, especially for physicians who are practice owners.

Read more.

Awarded every two years by the AMPAC Board of Directors, the AMPAC Award for Political Participation recognizes an AMA or AMA Alliance member who has made significant personal contributions of time and talent in assisting friends of medicine in their quest for elective office at the federal and state level. These can include: volunteer activities in a political campaign or a significant health care-related election issue such as a ballot initiative or referendum.

Nominees must be a current member of the AMA or AMA Alliance and AMPAC with preference given to members with a demonstrated history of AMPAC involvement. The deadline to submit nominations is Jan. 31. The full criteria for the 2019 AMPAC Award for Political Participation including how to submit a nomination can be found here.

The winning nominee will receive special recognition during the AMPAC Board Chair's speech before the House of Delegates or during the AMPAC luncheon at the AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago. The winning nominee will also receive free admittance (including airfare and hotel expenses) to a future AMPAC political education program (campaign school or candidate workshop) in Washington, DC.

Created by the BHI Collaborative, the BHI Compendium is a tool for physicians and practices to learn about behavioral health integration (BHI) and the key processes involved to achieve the goal of optimal whole-person care. This new resource contains helpful frameworks and actionable information to effectively support physician practices wherever they may be on their journey to integration. The aim is to provide accessible, detailed information on the steps required to integrate behavioral health care, which includes mental health and SUD, into the practice environment. Learn more at