Advocacy Update

Oct. 2, 2020: Advocacy spotlight on COVID-19 vaccine development: New AMA webinar series starts next week


A new webinar series from the AMA will address the science, evidence and process of vaccine development, regulatory review and what physicians need to know. Hosted by AMA physician leaders, each installment aims to gain fact-based insights from the nation's highest-ranking subject matter experts working to protect the health of the public.

The first episode, FDA Review Process for COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates, will be hosted by AMA President, Susan R. Bailey, MD. Register to view the live webinar on Oct. 7 at 2 p.m. Central.

Dr. Bailey will be speaking with Peter Marks, MD, PhD, Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The discussion will go into depth on the FDA vaccine review process including what the process looks like for COVID-19 vaccine candidates and the differences between the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and Biologic License Application (BLA) pathways.

When you register, you will also have the opportunity to submit your questions.