November 2021 Special Meeting of the HOD: August 27 Speakers' updates


Review the Speakers' Aug. 27 update for the November HOD meeting.

To further update you following the email dated August 13, this communication is sent to inform you that by action of the Board of Trustees under Emergency Bylaw 13.1.1 the 2021 AMA House of Delegates Interim Meeting scheduled to be held in-person in Orlando, Florida, on November 12-16 has been suspended. Your Board has determined that conditions in Orlando, due to the surge of the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in that location, are not conducive to readily convening a quorum of our House. The Board additionally has instructed the Speaker to call a Special Meeting of the House of Delegates, under Bylaw 2.12.2, to be held on November 12-16, 2021, with further details to be contained in the Official Call to this Special Meeting. Your Board continues to explore alternative options to convene this Special Meeting, including a virtual meeting or a hybrid solution at an alternate site. We anticipate that the Official Call will be sent to the House on or about September 13, 2021.

We ask that you hold the dates of this meeting, November 12-16, 2021, OPEN, as we WILL convene the Special Meeting on these dates. In addition, we recommend that you not open your schedules on any part of these dates at this time.

Thank you for your patience as we explore all of the options available to us for this Special Meeting.

Responses should be directed to [email protected]