November 2021 Special Meeting of the HOD: Nov. 1 and Oct. 29 Speakers' updates


The Initial Report of the Resolutions Committee (PDF) lists 28 resolutions that have met the priority threshold for the meeting and will be considered. No action is required for these items.

The Committee’s Second Report, which will incorporate section-sponsored resolutions and make recommendations regarding the consideration of additional resolutions, is expected to be posted Monday, Nov. 8.

Items recommended against consideration in the Committee’s Second Report may be extracted for consideration by the House by sending a request for extraction along with a statement of up to 150 words on why the item should be considered at this meeting to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, Nov. 10 at midnight Central Standard Time. Details can be found in the Speakers’ Letter (PDF).

The handbook addendum is now available on the November 2021 Special Meeting business page. It has been interleaved with the initial handbook and is also available as a separate document. Each reference committee is also compiled separately and includes items from the initial handbook and addendum. All files are available at

The handbook now also lists reference committee members (p. 61) and includes an index of resolutions by the first-listed sponsor (p. 55).

Three additional resolutions

At this point we have received three additional resolutions that will be distributed in the “Friday tote.” They will be posted on the business page as individual items as soon as they are processed.

Delegates and alternate delegates are encouraged to post comments in the online forum, particularly as the Resolutions Committee's initial report will be released next week.

Finally, all delegates and alternate delegates who had been credentialed by end of day yesterday (Oct. 28) should have received an email from [email protected] with meeting related information. Emails to delegates included their Business Credential. Additional communications specific to individuals should be expected.

The following meeting-related links are provided for your convenience:
•      N21 business page
•      N21 meeting website
•      Speakers’ Letter for N21
•      Online forums (sign-in required)
•      Prioritization matrix for N21
•      Speakers’ prior communications regarding N21
•      PolicyFinder
•      Pictorial Directory (members only)
•      Speakers’ Page (applications for reference committee service and other news)
•      Proceedings of the June 2021 Special Meeting

Responses should be directed to [email protected]