Medical School Life

The best tips and resources for every stage of med school

| 3 Min Read

It’s that time of year: Classes have ended, the sun is out and students are poised for change. But new transitions also require new adjustments. No matter what year of training you’re in, as you move through medical school, here are some of the top resources you’ll want to take with you.

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Prepping for the USMLE

You may feel stressed as you prepare to take the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1, but not to worry—use this advice to make the most of your preparation:

Managing finances in school

The cost of medical education is high, but that doesn’t mean you have to be crushed by debt. Save money with these resources and tips:

Staying happy and healthy

We know classes and rotations are very demanding. But try not to let the pressures of training make you neglect your personal relationships or well-being. Here are some must-reads to help you avoid burnout and maintain good health in training:

Choosing what to practice

Whether you're a first- or fourth-year medical student, choosing your specialty is one of the most crucial decisions you will make in your career as a physician, so make sure you explore a variety of specialties before deciding what to practice. Start with these insights:  

Transitioning to residency

As a fourth-year student, transitioning to residency will mark a period of excitement and major change. Follow these tips to prepare for your future as a resident:

Also, try these links to properly plan your next steps after matching to a program: 


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