Medical School Life

The top 5 stories medical students should read

Kevin B. O'Reilly , Senior News Editor

It is what comes after medical school—residency and a choice of specialty—that often piques the most interest among medical students. Burnout, and ways to address it, also makes the list.

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Specialty preferences before and after med school: By the numbers. Do you know how many of your peers end up in the field they picked when they began medical school? Which specialties are students most likely to stick with, and which ones attract students along the way? We break down the statistics.

How 1st year interns can establish trust with resident supervisors. For medical students who are looking ahead to their first year of residency, understanding what forms the foundation of senior residents’ trust in junior colleagues can be an important part of that transition. A study reveals factors that help build trust and maximize autonomy of interns under resident supervision.

Graduating students: Make a successful transition to residency. For graduating medical students preparing to begin their residency this summer, a chief resident offers tips for navigating one of the most challenging years of training. Dr. Faton Bytyci, chief resident at Sacred Heart Hospital’s family medicine residency program in Allentown, Pa., suggests adopting these principles as you begin work in the clinical setting.

What you need to know about away electives and the Match. Do away electives really give students an edge in the Match? Before committing to an away elective or audition, review these five key facts about away electives to help you make an informed decision. Plus, check out an infographic to help you break down the average cost of away electives.

Medical school burnout: How to take care of yourself. The pressures of medical school can have a major impact on students’ mental health and wellness. A group of medical students gathered to discuss these pressures and maintaining mental health during medical school. Learn what an expert had to say about taking care of yourself during medical school and how students are taking their own steps toward improving their mental health and wellness.