Preparing for Residency

Is the growing number of unmatched medical students a crisis?


The rising number of unmatched U.S. medical school graduates is an issue of growing concern for many in medicine. Learn more about this topic and what students and their mentors can do at a special session during the AMA Section on Medical Schools (SMS) 2015 Annual Meeting, June 5-6 in Chicago.

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“The growing number of unmatched medical students: Is it a crisis? What are the options?” will take place from 9 to 10:15 a.m. June 6 at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Register now (log in). This session will feature a review of current and recent data on Match rates from the National Resident Matching Program, presented by Geoffrey Young, PhD, program leader for the Group on Student Affairs at the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Next, two reactors will contribute their perspectives on options for unmatched students and suggestions for mitigating the problem. These include better counseling on students’ options as well as a more holistic approach to medical school admissions. Holistic reviews are associated with both increased diversity and high academic achievement and may have a corresponding beneficial impact on subsequent Match rates.

Reactors are Kathleen Kashima, PhD, senior associate dean of students at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and Betty Drees, MD, AMA-SMS liaison to the AMA Council on Medical Education.

Physicians can earn continuing medical education credit. Read the AMA-SMS meeting agenda (log in) for more information.