Women Physicians

Women in Medicine Month social media kit


Celebrate and support Women in Medicine through your social media channels:

  • Showcase the accomplishments of the #WomenofAMA and all women physicians and medical students
  • Highlight advocacy needs related to the professional concerns of women physicians and health issues impacting women patients
  • Share the important work of the AMA and the Women Physicians Section

Use these sample messages and images, along with the hashtags #WIMMonth and #WomenofAMA, on your own social media channels to honor women in medicine this September.

This September we recognize all the women physicians, residents, and #medstudents working to make health care more equitable. Join me in honoring these trailblazers during #WIMMonth. Get involved: https://www.ama-assn.org/women-medicine-month #WomenofAMA

From clinics to classrooms, women physicians, residents, and #medstudents lead with purpose and inspire those around them every day. Join me in honoring women in medicine this September during #WIMMonth. https://www.ama-assn.org/women-medicine-month #WomenofAMA

Happy Women in Medicine Month. Join me in showcasing the dedication of women in the medical field. https://www.ama-assn.org/women-medicine-month #WIMMonth #WomenofAMA

2023 Women in Medicine Month: Twitter/X and LinkedIn

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