Women Physicians

WPS Members and News Highlights-September 2024

Elisa Choi, MD

September 2024

From WPS Chair Elisa Choi, MD

September is "Women in Medicine Month." Our Women Physicians Section (WPS) Governing Council, Growing the Reach and Representation of Women Leaders (GRROWL) Standing Committee, and AMA Board of Trustees liaisons, share their reflections.

"Women in Medicine Month" is an opportunity for me—to appreciate the trailblazing women physicians who first broke “glass ceilings” in their career journeys in medicine, to applaud all the women physicians and physicians-to-be (past, present, and future) who dedicate their professional careers to the practice of medicine, and to recognize the ongoing challenges we face to achieve gender equity as women physicians and to eradicate health disparities of our women patients. Congratulations and thank you—to all our AMAzing women in medicine! Our profession and our patients are so much better for all you do!

Elisa Choi, MD (she/her)

WPS chair, member at-large representative

WPS members & news highlights

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"Women in Medicine Month" is a chance for me to honor the journey of balancing roles as a physician, woman, leader, mother, and advocate, celebrating the strength and passion of women who, like me, strive to make a difference in health care while navigating unique challenges. I am in awe of the resilience, achievements and contributions of women in health care, which further highlights the importance of representation, support and empowerment for women professionals who continue to break barriers and inspire the next generation.

Tiffani L. Bell Washington, MD, MPH

WPS vice chair, AMWA representative

"Women in Medicine Month" means recognizing the challenges we have conquered together as women to be leaders in medicine but also the individual and complex hats we all wear while doing so. When you think about women physicians still being head of the PTA, the soccer mom, a wife on the gala planning committee, the best cupcake maker for the bake sale, the caregiver for dad, and chair of medicinal committees, it’s hard not to see the cape sticking out beneath the white coat.

Nicole Lee Plenty, MD, MPH, MS

WPS delegate

"Women in Medicine Month" is a chance to reflect and appreciate the courage of the women who came before us in breaking down the barriers, leading by example, and believing in themselves that they would excel in pursuing their true callings in medicine. This month is our time to honor the work of these pioneers and our contemporaries for the excellence women have contributed to the field.

Rachel Solnick, MD

WPS alternate delegate

"Women in Medicine Month", to me, is an opportunity for reflection on the achievements, challenges and contributions of women physicians in addition to celebrating a milestone that I have always dreamed of—becoming a physician myself. It’s a moment to honor the strides made by women who have broken barriers in medicine paving the way for others and brings awareness to the ongoing struggles women face in the medical field, such as gender bias, unequal pay, work-life balance, and underrepresentation in leadership roles. May this month serve as a source of motivation to reignite conversations about how the system can better support women’s health, mentorship, and career development in addition to inspiring personal growth and renewal of purpose in our journeys in medicine.

Avani Patel, MD

WPS Young Physicians Section representative

"Women in Medicine Month" is a time to highlight the successes of women in the field and their incredible accomplishments. It is also a month to recognize the challenges and disadvantages that persist today and to emphasize the importance of advocating for future women in medicine.

Holly Grace, MD

WPS Residents & Fellows Section representative

"Women in Medicine Month" is a powerful reminder of the strength, resilience and leadership of women in health care. It fuels my passion to not only honor those who’ve paved the way, but also to break new ground for future generations of women to lead and thrive in medicine

Adrienne Nguyen

WPS Medical Students Section representative

A celebration and reminder that we are half the sky and we as women MDs are empowered to help each other as well as our women patients. Remember 87% of internet searches about health are initiated by women

Gloria Wu, MD

WPS member at-large representative

Wishing a joyous AMA "Women in Medicine Month" to all our sister doctors (and those in training)

  •  Who represent more than a third of the physicians in our workforce
  •  Who represent more than half of medical students
  •  Who represent the rich diversity of more than half our population

Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD

WPS liaison to Board of Trustees

After a long history of exclusion from the profession, women now make up the majority of medical students. This trend is now reflected in leadership—the AMA Board of Trustees is currently majority women. This month, we have the opportunity to celebrate the women who have paved the pathway for all of us to participate, excel, and lead in medicine.

Pratistha Koirala, MD

WPS liaison to Board of Trustees

"Women in Medicine Month" is a time when we reflect on our pioneering past as we also look to our future; from the ancient healers to modern-day physicians, the women who have played and continue to play an essential role in the future of medicine. Our journey is far from over, but with continued advocacy, reform and mentorship, the future of women in medicine looks brighter than ever.

Debbie Fuller, MD

Chair, WPS GRROWL Committee

"Women in Medicine Month" signifies to me that while we have come so far, and have amazing female identifying physicians to highlight, there is still a long way to go. The more women we have in leadership gives me hope that we can finally establish parity with men both in compensation as well as leadership positions.

Nicole Henry-Dindial, MD

WPS GRROWL Committee member

"Women in Medicine Month" is a time to acknowledge the road that has been paved by clinicians, researchers and other health care professionals to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in medicine, as well as the long journey that still lies ahead of us

Medha Reddy

WPS GRROWL Committee member


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